The PHS Story
The Pink Heart Society (or PHS as it's known to its followers) was launched in 2006 and intended to be a place where category and series romance authors and readers could celebrate the genre and explore what makes these shorter love stories so unique.

The founding editors -Trish Wylie. Ally Blake, Nicola Marsh and Natasha Oakley- worked hard to get it off the ground as their writing careers blossomed but it was always planned they would pass the site on to new generations to keep it fresh and allow it to move forward with the times. It was a strategy which proved successful, unwittingly making the PHS a little oasis of calm in turbulent publishing seas as the industry changed around us.

Fourteen years later and we're still going strong, with an ever evolving cast of writers, editors and academics. Our latest makeover was intended to carry us forward into the future where we will continue to proudly wave the flag for diversity in romance (which earned us an RNA Industry Award nomination in their Inclusion Category in 2019), embracing new publishers, new ways of placing stories in readers hands and discovering new authors and books to add to our already groaning keeper shelves!
The PHS is a collaborative effort by an enthusiastic group of volunteers and we would love if you joined us! If you would like to volunteer, you can check out the Join Our Team page for the most recent editorial vacancies, the Book Reviews page for info on how to become one of our reviewers or use the Contact page to sign up for our Guest List. If you would simply like to stay up to date with what we are doing and our most recent articles, you can sign up for our newsletter or follow us on any of the Social Media links below.
We look forward to meeting you!