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The Editors

Managing Editor

Trish Wylie

Irish girl, writer, reader, superhero geek, book/movie addict & mom to a four-legged family.




Mercy Carlile

Just a granny chic girl trying to make it in this world with big hoops and a bold lip.



(IPD Column)

Brittany Borshell

Director of Violet Gaze Press. American expat in England. Pretending to be Lizzie to her Mr. Darcy.


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Assistant Editor


Matthew J. Metzger

Queer trans author of queer trans books, history nerd, adventure lover, employee of the month for a large black cat.

Senior Editor

Kali Anthony

Writer of happy endings and failed domestic goddess; will work for coffee, wine & chocolate!

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(Aspiring Authors)

Carrow Brown

Novelist, taco lover, and gamer. Can be found writing or editing over her laptop.

Assistant Editor


Robyn Rychards

Award winning author writing romance with tension, drama, and a dash of fun.


Assistant Editor



Tea drinking Yorkshire lass, owned by an ageing dog, avid reader.  book blogger/reviewer


(Ali Reads Column)

Ali Williams

Romance editor, academic and writer, researching how romance can be read and written as feminist.



(CBL Column)

Corrina Lawson

Writer of award-winning geeky romance, founder of, and sometimes a superhero with the power of multi-tasking!

Assistant Editor


Holly March

Welsh girl, autistic, medievalist who likes Happily Ever Afters once the characters have suffered a bit.

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Assistant Editor

(Aspiring Authors)

Sophie Keefe

Over-excitable aspiring editor. Continuing my research into genre fiction so I can keep reading the  books I love and call it "work".

Our Columnists


Author of Passionate fiction. Lover of romance, my man & sunrises at the beach.

Elisabeth Hobbes

Writes heroines who take no nonsense and heroes who really have to earn their HEAs.

Christy Kate McKenzie

Aspiring author, mom, fairy tale fanatic, peanut butter connoisseur, and wannabe mermaid.

Rachel Dove

Romance writer and teacher, eternal student and lover of all things bookish.

Liam Livings

Gay romance author who loves cats, cars, cakes, and escaping into a fictional world with an HEA.

Harper Miller

Author of classy kinky smut, fashion maven, comic book nerd, lover of Prince, makeup, porn, veggies, & all things 80s. 

Carolyn Hector

Contemporary author, wife,  that PTO mom, aunt, goofy fangirl & total Ambivert 

Nicole Locke

Author of Harlequin Lovers and Legends series; subsists off of procrastination and champagne.

Reese Ryan

Sexy, deeply emotional romances with family drama, surprising secrets, & deliciously-flawed characters.

Anna J Stewart

Author of sweet to spicy romance, SPN mega-fan, dreams of being a super  heroine. 

Aleksandr Voinov

Queer romance writer, generally the benevolent god of his universe, writing coach, pagan & history nerd. 

Our Reviewers
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Born and raised in India; interior design by day, giddy over books by night.



Daughter, Wife, Avid Reader of everything romantic (and erotic) in so many sub genres.




Non-binary librarian who loves cats, coffee, books, and hiking mountains.


Addict of happy ever after romance across many sub-genres, Mum, Wife, Lover of unicorns and coffee.


Mother, Student, book and coffee addict, aspiring author, reviewer and Harry Potter obsessed romance junkie.



Ranchwife. Mom. Lover of animals, chocolate, cheese, and photography. Future writer and book fanatic! 


Daughter, Sister, Aunt,  Reading lover,  blogger,  Mother of cats, dreamer and history buff.


Sylvi Shayl

Passionate reader, creative writing teacher, book reviewer, pessimistic optimist.

Tamara JK

Born & raised in Croatia, Wife, Mom, former National athelete, reading is my happy place.

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