The Editors
Managing Editor
Trish Wylie
Irish girl, writer, reader, superhero geek, book/movie addict & mom to a four-legged family.

Assistant Editor
Matthew J. Metzger
Queer trans author of queer trans books, history nerd, adventure lover, employee of the month for a large black cat.

Senior Editor
Kali Anthony
Writer of happy endings and failed domestic goddess; will work for coffee, wine & chocolate!
(Aspiring Authors)
Novelist, taco lover, and gamer. Can be found writing or editing over her laptop.
(Ali Reads Column)
Ali Williams
Romance editor, academic and writer, researching how romance can be read and written as feminist.

(CBL Column)
Corrina Lawson
Writer of award-winning geeky romance, founder of GeekMom.com, and sometimes a superhero with the power of multi-tasking!

Assistant Editor
Holly March
Welsh girl, autistic, medievalist who likes Happily Ever Afters once the characters have suffered a bit.
Assistant Editor
(Aspiring Authors)
Over-excitable aspiring editor. Continuing my research into genre fiction so I can keep reading the books I love and call it "work".
Our Columnists
Our Reviewers

Born and raised in India; interior design by day, giddy over books by night.

Daughter, Wife, Avid Reader of everything romantic (and erotic) in so many sub genres.

Daughter, Sister, Aunt, Reading lover, blogger, Mother of cats, dreamer and history buff.

Sylvi Shayl
Passionate reader, creative writing teacher, book reviewer, pessimistic optimist.

Tamara JK
Born & raised in Croatia, Wife, Mom, former National athelete, reading is my happy place.