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Join Our Team
The PHS is an enthusiastic and diverse community comprised of published authors, aspiring authors, readers, reviewers and academics. We celebrate, support and promote all things romance novel, romance writing, publishing and reading related and do everything possible to spread our belief that love is love in a positive and fully inclusive manner. Sound like something you would like to be part of? Then keep reading!
Of course the easiest way to be part of our community is to read the articles, like/share/RT and comment on Social Media and talk about it with your friends. We wouldn't be where we are now without that! But as you can imagine, a great deal of work goes on behind the scenes. Try as we might (and often have!), we simply can't do that without the help of our volunteers.
You may be an aspiring author trying to build a platform and enter publishers and editors radars. You may be a newly published author trying to expand your reach to new readers who is interested in gaining marketing, promotion and branding experience you can put to good use. You may be a reader who devours romance novels and loves the genre. You may even be someone who is interested in working in the publishing industry one day and would like to get some work experience to add to your C.V. The most important criteria is that you're prepared to give us a few hours of your time each month, willing to learn, conscientious, enthusiastic, self-motivated and understand the importance of deadlines.
How much time you can give us is up to you and we will take that into consideration when assigning you a role. It could be a half hour here and there all the way up to a couple of hours a week. It's entirely your call! All you need to do is get in touch and we will have a friendly chat about how we can help each other to succeed. So, how do you get in touch?
Find us on Social Media and tell us you are interested. (PM or DM us there if you prefer something less public.) And you can always email or use the contact form with Join Our Team in the subject line.
The PHS recruits world wide and is fully inclusive. We warmly welcome POC, LGBTQIAP, neurodiverse, disabled, and nonbinary applications from published authors, aspiring authors, reviewers, readers, academics and enthusiastic fans of the romance genre.
So, if you have read all the way to here and are still interested in joining us, we would absolutely LOVE to hear from you!
Editorial Vacancies:
Assistant Editor (Social Media) - Role includes loading and scheduling posts on Facebook, Twitter, and/or Instagram, interacting professionally, warmly and enthusiastically with publishing professionals, PHS editors, columnists, guests and followers, while assisting the lead Editor of our Social Media team to ensure our posts remain current, informative and entertaining. Opportunity to learn marketing, promotion and branding strategies . Best suited to someone with experience in the aforementioned platforms but full training provided for an enthusiastic and self-motivated individual. Estimated 3 - 4 hrs commitment per month.
Assistant Editor (Aspiring Authors) - Role includes interacting regularly with community members and guests in a friendly and upbeat manner, sharing information and responding to queries, moderating posts/encouraging engagement in our Facebook Group, and helping to schedule Social Media posts relevant to Aspiring Authors. Opportunity to hone branding, marketing and promotional skills, and network with authors, editors and publishers while building an author platform. Best suited to an enthusiastic individual who is creative, conscientious, reliable and self-motivated.
Estimated 3 - 4 hrs commitment per month.
For information on the vacancies in our Columnists and Reviews teams, please contact us via Social Media, Email or by using the contact form above.
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