Love Doesn't Always Conquer All
We take a look at romance novels which have inspired and influenced writers .  This month, Rachel Dove is looking at Gone With the Wind.

A Day In The Life: Heidi Rice
This month we're walking a mile in Heidi Rice's shoes as she has a moment of divine inspiration and puts all her movie reviewing exp

From Night Owl to Early Bird: Resetting Your Body Clock To Boost Productivity
Is finding time to do the things you love difficult Is it possible to make more time in a day? PHS Editor, Kali Anthony, tells us how chan

The Write Life Balance: Prioritizing
This month, in #TheWriteLifeBalance, Susan Meier talks about finding balance between things you want to do and things you have to do...

To Camp or Not To Camp, That Is The Question...
PHS columnist, Elisabeth Hobbes, tells us what she loves about camping and editor Robyn Rychards talks about the joys of staying in a hotel.

Where Have All The RomComs Gone?
Remember the days when RomComs appeared at regular intervals and were considered the go-to movie on date night? So do we!  To tide us over

Ready, Set, WRITE!
PHS editor, Christy Kate McKenzie, takes us away from the craft of writing to explore and develop the business side of your writing...

Cutting Out Caffeine, Carbs & Sugar (aka All The Stuff We Like...)
Most of us want to eat healthy and giving up caffeine, carbs and sugar seems to be the latest go-to diet craze. PHS Editor Kali Anthony tell

You Think You Know Someone...
Joss Wood is under the spotlight this month to tell us ten things we almost definitely didn't know...