TV Couples to Spend Halloween With

This month, PHS editor Ali Williams talks about her favourite fantasy, horror and sci-fi tv couples.

I love romance in all its forms, but my other great love is fantasy. Fantastical worlds, magic that can't quite be explained and gritty urban fantasy with kickarse heroines.
And a merging of the two - the paranormal romance - is something that makes my heart that little bit faster.
But I'm a shipper at heart (by shipper, I mean the kind of person who obsesses over the pairings of their favourite characters) especially when it comes to a television shows.
So this month I'm breaking down my favourite tv fantasy and paranormal couples...
Marcel and Rebecca
Rebecca, one of The Originals, and Marcel (or Marcellous), her brother's best friend, have a fairly turbulent relationship - even by vampiric standards! Ups and downs, fights that span centuries, and a passion for each other that simply won't be denied.
Alec and Magnus
God I love Alec Lightwood and Magnus Bane. From completely opposite sides of the tracks (Alec is a Shadowhunter and Magnus is a warlock Downworlder), their romance plays out on screen in a way that makes our hearts melt. Plus who wouldn't want a flamboyant warlock for their boyfriend?!
Dorothy and Lucas
When Dorothy gets spinning through space to another land entirely in Emerald City, one of the first friends she makes is Lucas. Brooding, intense Lucas, who cannot remember his name - let alone what he's been doing, left to die on the side of the road. But when they're put under pressure, and when Lucas' memories return, will their blossoming romance survive?
Jamie and Claire
Although not strictly fantasy, I'd argue that Claire's time-travelling antics in Outlander more than qualify her and Jamie Fraser to make this list. And Jamie. That accent. That hair. Those eyes. You make this ssassenach go weak at the knees...
Dutch and D'avin
Killjoys is one of my favourite shows on television - not least because of gun-toting, world-saving, snarky lead Dutch. With a mysterious background and her apparent previous training as a super-assassin, she's the last person you want to cross. So when D'avin, the long lost brother of her ship mate and best friend Johnny, turns up with a warrant on his head, sparks fly...
Rick and Michonne
Despite all the blood and guts and gore, The Walking Dead has given us what may be the cutest couple ever: Rick and Michonne. Here's to hoping that they both stay alive long enough to make it work!
Nomi and Amanita
I love the dramatic intensity of the Sense8 world, and it's made all the more special by Nomi and Amanita. It tells you a lot about the power of their relationship that Amanita becomes so much more than just a main character's girlfriend as the series unfolds.
Jon and Ygritte
And finally from fantasy to real life. Jon and Ygritte's love may have been doomed on Game of Thrones, but the actors who played them have officially announced their engagement in The Times this week. Congratulations to Kit Harrington and Rose Leslie.
For more information about Ali and her writing, editing and academic projects, check out her shiny new website and follow her on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
#AliWIlliams #Tv #Television #TVCouples #Halloween #Horror #Zombie #Zombies #Fantasy #Space #SciFi #Marcel #RebeccaMikhaelson #TheOriginals #AlecLightwood #MagnusBane #Shadowhunters #Dorothy #Lucas #EmeraldCity #JamieFraser #ClaireFraser #Outlander #DUtch #Davin #Killjoys #Rick #Michonne #TheWalkingDead #Nomi #Amanita #Sense8 #JonSnow #Ygritte #KitHarrington #GameofThrones #RoseLeslie #Congratulations