April Editorial: Light The Dark
PHS Founder and Editor Trish Wylie, talks about the power of words, and how writing every day can shine a light in the darkness..

Real Life Meet Cute
Does the kind of meet cute we read about in romance novels happen in real life? Avril Tremayne and Mollie Blake tell us how they met their h

Nixing Negativity
When it comes to criticism, romance writers soon discover the value of a thick skin. So how do authors respond to people with little to no u

Embrace Life
In this busy world we live in, it's all too easy to overlook the beauty that surrounds us. Susan Meier talks about the important lessons

Comic Book Love: The Girlfriend Problem
Why don't Comic Book Romantic Interests get their own spin offs? Corinna Lawson discusses the fate of the love interests who made it and

The PHS Poll: Size Matters
Do you prefer standalone stories, family sagas, a linked series of three or four books or an epic continuation of a tale you never want to e

Well Hello Michiel Huisman!
We're always looking for hero inspiration at the PHS and Nicole Locke has brought us a winner in the form of her Current Crush, Michiel

Exclusive FREE READ
You read it here first! Our FREE READ for April is from Heidi Rice, who brings us an exclusive deleted scene from Summer at Willow Tree Farm

My World: Patricia Sargeant
Do you love movies but have a different take than your significant other? Patricia Sargeant's world is all about movies

Finances & Forecasting: Part Three
Time once again to visit your writing income (or lack thereof) with Christy Kate McKenzie, as she wraps up her three part series on finances

Dress For Success
Having trouble with inspiration? Feel in a bit of a slump? Maybe it's what you're wearing that's giving you grief. Kali Anthony

Where Is The Love?
Where is the love for romance novels outside of its loyal readers? Jill Kemerer talks about the misconceptions which have abounded for centu

Why We Love - Life Hacks
Need to make your life a bit easier? Kristina Knight has some tips and tricks to do just that. She's talking about why she loves life ha

#SpotlightOn: Brandi Willis Schreiber
Ready to polish your writing? Brandi Willis Schreiber is our #SpotlightOn author this month and she's here to give you 5 C's for pur