March Editorial: Own It
PHS Founder and Editor Trish Wylie, talks about claiming ownership of your life, both the good and the bad, so you can strive for your own v

The Hidden Benefits of Being an Avid Fiction Reader
Guest author, Reese Ryan, explains why walking a mile in a fictional character's shoes is particularly important in the world we're

The Write Thing: Sex Scenes
Some are so terrible there's even a Bad Sex In Fiction Award. (Never won by a romance author!) Avril Tremayne talks about sex scenes and

Romancing The Black Panther
Have you seen the box office record breaking Black Panther yet? Piper Huguley has and shares her thoughts on the romantic relationship betw

The PHS Poll: Some Like It Hot!
When it comes to romance novels there's a wide range of heat levels. Our authors tell us why Some Like It Hot and others prefer the bedr

Sci-Fi/Fantasy & Paranormal Love Affairs
Are you a fan of love stories that are out of this world? Rachel Dove is and has brought us her top ten list of Sci-Fi romances. Did your fa

My World: Nicole Locke
Ever wondered what it's like to live in the Pacific Northwest? Nicole Locke gives us a peek into her new neck of the woods...

Exclusive FREE READ
You read it here first! Our FREE READ for March is from Virginia Heath, who brings us an exclusive extract from A Warriner to Seduce Her.

Current Crush : Hot Ice Hockey Dudes
It would seem the Winter Olympics (or rather a few fabulous books!) have left a lasting impression on Heidi Rice,  who talks to us about he

Counting Time
Never seem to have enough? Looking for some more? Kali Anthony talks about counting time. It might surprise you just how much you have!

Does Romance work in the Comic Book Serial format?
Does romance work in a serialized format? Priya Sridhar studies how comic books do it and shares her thoughts on the subject.

Why We Love - Charity Shops
If you love the idea of reduce, re-use and recycle, then charity shops might be for you. Elisabeth Hobbes tells us why she haunts them!

Avoiding The Ouchies & Owies
Writing can be a danger to your health! Thankfully we have Geri Krotow here to share the tricks of the trade which contribute to her healthy