Carina Press is Acquiring...

This month we are thrilled to welcome the editorial team of Carina Press as they talk about what they look for in paranormal, fantasy and science fiction romance!

Since Carina Press opened its doors in 2010, we’ve happily read, acquired and published books across romance sub-genres, including paranormal, fantasy and science fiction.
While we all love “real” world settings, there’s nothing quite like diving into an alternate reality, futuristic landscape, or sprawling outer-space vista. There are endless possibilities in these genres, and we love seeing the happily-ever-afters that our authors create. We’re here at The Pink Heart Society to tell you a little more about what Carina Press is looking for when we acquire paranormal, fantasy and science fiction romance.
Angela James, Editorial Director:

Over the years, I’ve edited some amazing authors writing in these genres. Ilona Andrews’ Silent Blade, Dragon Actually by G.A. Aiken, Goddess with a Blade by Lauren Dane, Steelflower by Lilith Saintcrow, So You Think You Can Write–winning manuscript The Emperor’s Arrow by Lauren DM Smith, and Rhenna Morgan’s Guardian’s Bond are all fabulous examples of paranormal, science fiction and fantasy romance I’ve published and loved over the years.
I don’t acquire and edit as much as I used to, as my attention has turned to running and building the imprint business, but I still do find time to sneak in some editing.
Coming up, I’m excited about new urban fantasy from Lauren Dane, a new paranormal romance from Rhenna Morgan and a wonderful, newly acquired paranormal romance series from A.C. Arthur. From all of these examples, to me it’s clear I’m drawn to strong female writers who craft equally strong, fascinating heroines that seem to leap right off the pages. I’m always looking for worlds and stories that have great world building but that are accessible and easy for a reader to fall right into.
Kerri Buckley, Senior Editor:

I’m a huge fan of humor and banter in romance, and that carries over to SFF and paranormal romance. Alyssa Cole's Off the Grid series remains one of my favorites we’ve published—dystopian and post-apocalyptic with an incredible world-build and genuinely witty/smart characters facing it all, together.
Forthcoming, I’m looking forward to two very exciting February releases. First up is Jenn Burke’s Not Dead Yet, which is the first in a new reunion-romance paranormal mystery series centering on a not-quite-ghost, not-quite-human and his ex—a sexy cop who isn't quite what he seems. Those two have a loooong history and tons of hurdles to overcome (like the supernatural and, well, murder) now that they’re reunited.
And then M.A. Grant’s Prince of Air and Darkness. It’s Captive Prince meets an aged-up Harry Potter, with warring fae. And the most tension-rich verbal (and physical, come to think) sparring between two heroes I’ve read in a long time.
Stephanie Doig, Associate Editor:

I have a personal love for heroine-centric fantasy romance and would love to acquire a series featuring a strong heroine with an enemies-to-lovers relationship arc with her love interest.
If you’ve read A Conspiracy of Whispers or A Treason of Truths by Ada Harper, those are exactly the kind of fantasy romances I love to read and to acquire—books with complex-yet-accessible worlds and characters. I also love paranormals with a nice balance of high plot tension and romantic tension/conflict—Dee Carney’s Taming Her Wolf is a great example of this. Most of all, I’m looking for a world I can sink my teeth into (no pun intended) and a romance I can swoon over!
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It’s important to us to continue to let authors know of our commitment to inclusion and representation in our publishing program and extend a specific invitation to Black authors, authors of color, queer authors, disabled authors and other traditionally underrepresented voices writing science fiction, fantasy or paranormal romance. We strive to make our list one of inclusion, and are working hard to build a catalog that is more representative of the romance-reading public.
As we look to acquire and schedule into 2019, stories of fated mates and clan politics as well as SFF with suspense elements and excellent sexual tension will be top of our list. And a fun subgenre that we’re interested in seeing more of is paranormal mystery! Heroes and heroines with paranormal powers, who get help from the undead, live in enchanted towns, or have supernatural friendships with creatures who go bump in the night. Think Practical Magic and Hocus Pocus, Deanna Chase’s Jade Calhoun series, Charlaine Harris’s Midnight, Texas books, and our own Bodies of Evidence series by Wendy Roberts. For all of the above, series are slightly preferred but standalones will also be considered.
Thank you to The Pink Heart Society for hosting us and letting us tell you all about Carina Press!
For more detailed information on what Carina Press is acquiring, and for instructions on how to submit, please see their submissions guidelines at
#IndustryInsights #Editing #CarinaPress #AngelaJames #IlonaAndrews #SilentBlade #DragonActually #GAAiken #GoddesswithaBlade #LaurenDane #Steelflower #LilithSaintcrow #TheEmperorsArrow #LaurenDMSmith #RhennaMorgan #GuardiansBond #HealersNeed #ACArthur #KerriBuckley #AlyssaCole #OfftheGrid #RadioSilence #JennBurke #NotDeadYet #MAGrant #PrinceofAirandDarkness #StephanieDoig #AConspiracyofWhispers #ATreasonofTruths #AdaHarper #DeeCarney #TamingHerWolf #BodiesofEvidence #WendyRoberts