Is Coffee Really Writing Fuel?

Is coffee really the writing fuel a thousand memes suggest? Rachel Dove talks about everyone's favourite pick-me-up.

The clocks have gone back, Halloween is over, and I am in the throes of NaNoWriMo. I fail it every year, although technically, any words on the page as a result of participating is a success. However many words I write in November, they never get wasted, since they always get turned into books anyway.
I hate this time of year; November for me always signifies people being ill, cold wet school runs, a barrage of school events and letters requesting unicorn poop/raffle prizes/money and time for various events. My students are all trying to get their work in before the festive season, which means lots of marking for me, and I am always writing the next book. Working from home, I hibernate, and other than essential errands, library talks and stalls, and ferrying the children about, there is only one thing that gets me out of my blanket fort and beyond my front door.

This time of year means Pumpkin Spice Lattes, and Gingerbread coffee. A delicious seasonal cup of energy giving pleasure. It makes my heart sing, my body move and the words flow. I love coffee year- round, but it is more essential than ever at this time of year. It's all about the Hygge, but with added caffeine. Having recently overhauled my diet, becoming vegetarian and really making an effort to eat better and eat biscuits less, coffee is the one thing that hasn't changed in my diet, and I am all the better for that fact. As are my family!
Try to talk to me before eight a.m.? Not a chance. I emerge from slumber, wild eyed and bushy haired, muttering to myself. It's best to just get out of my way, and let me get to the kettle. 'Til that first sip, I will only roar. Half a cup later, it's a dull growl. Best to let the beast rouse on her own time, kids!

I stockpile almond milk and low-cal Beanies Coffee, I have all of the local coffee shop loyalty cards, and a cupboard full of reusable coffee cups to cart around with me. If you see me coming at you with one of these, fill me up baristas! I collect cups like other women collect jewelry. I am like the winter squirrel, collecting cups and notebooks for the duration. If I can find a notepad with a coffee theme? Heaven. I am so proud of my collection of Roald Dahl mugs I show every visitor that dares to darken my door. Book related mugs? Yes please!
I love my Yorkshire Tea of course, but my love of the coffee bean knows no bounds. So this winter, I batten down the hatches, knuckle down on my to-do list, and make sure my cup is always full of delicious bittersweet coffee. It's my superpower, and my Achilles' heel. Coffee, I love thee. Let me count the ways...
Rachel Dove's advice is as good as her writing. You can find out more about her and her work in this article, on Facebook, and Twitter. and Goodreads.
What is your favourite syrup? Do you hit the espresso or like to ease in with a mocha? Or are you still firmly in the tea camp? Believe me, hit the hashtag for coffee and you will find #amwriting sitting right alongside it. Share your recipes and suggestions in the comments and on our social media using #JavaLove