Money Wise

How much does pricing influence the sale of a book? Chris Buono approaches this topic from a reader's perspective. The question is: Do you agree?
The Art of Book-Selling: A Reader's Perspective

It’s more than just a novel’s title that prods me to buy a book. Similarly, there’s more to a novel than just a fanciful cover for me. It’s also said we can’t judge a book by its cover. So, keeping that eye-catching book concept in perspective, what is it that gets me to buy a book?
Books You Write Are Those You Read
In my case, this is the easiest way that I go about choosing what book to buy. That is, since I do write romance, I buy romance. Still, not always. However, for the purpose of this article, let’s stick to that: my romance book-buying practices.
I don’t just purchase any romance. A few things do go into helping me to make those book buys: the title, the cover, the price, the blurb, and the author. Each of those particulars has its own, very specific purpose—for prodding me to dish out money for a book.
Still, it tends to be the price that draws my eye. However, not for the reason that you may think.
You Get What You Pay For
My initial knee-jerk reaction to, say, a ninety-nine-cent or free e-book can be a purchasing red flag for me. That is, while a cheaply priced book can be a fantastic work, with so many books out there I need a weeding-out, book-buying practice in order to purchase a book at all.
An eye-on-the-price always forces me to recall the old adage: “You get what you pay for.” That truism tells me that a cheaply-priced or free book may not be worth my time. And sometimes I may not purchase one simply because of the low price.
Still, that’s not a fool-proof method for me because I have, on occasion, won a book as a prize. So I received a “free book,” read it, and even posted a positive review for it. Therefore, the above is not a hard and fast rule for me, but more a purchasing guide which I lean on.
The Recommendation
There’s nothing like knowing what to read. Likewise, it’s a little bit of heaven to canvas bookstore shelves in search of that perfect read! However, a book recommendation for me often plays a key role in what I purchase.
If someone whose opinion I value suggests a book, I will, at the very least, check it out. That’s regardless of the book’s price, or if it’s free. What helps me here, too, is if I am familiar with the author who wrote the book. That’s what I call a “two-point plus” and I just may purchase the book, regardless of what I might initially have thought had I found it on my own.
The Review
The review is another important aspect for me when it comes to making a purchasing decision. If a reader not only spends money on a book but also takes time to review it, doing so can catch my wallet. That’s despite either the book’s price, or if it's free.
There’s something about a book review that one can feel. And, if a review is done convincingly, it can get me to shell out money to buy the book. I’m not talking about those one-line reviews, or those with just star ratings. I’m talking about a full, “I-really-read-this-book” reviews. There’s nothing like someone who’s read a book to aid you in your book-buying decision.
How do you go about selecting your book purchases?
Chris Buono is an aspiring author and part of the PHS Aspiring Authors team. You can connect with him on Facebook, and Twitter.
How do you go about selecting a book to purchase? How much does pricing influence your decision? Is there still suspicion attached to books which appear to be too cheaply priced? Let us know in the comments or on social media using #MoneyWise