August Editorial: Risks And Rewards

Brand new PHS Reviews editor Mercy Carlile pens our editorial this month, reflecting on the angst filled chasm between risk and reward.

Dear Risk, It’s not me. It’s you.
I don’t love risk. It’s scary. It feels threatening and unknown. I used to not only dislike risk but despise it. I’d avoid it at all costs. I would see it coming and immediately cross the street, switch off the light, even stare at it as it left me a voicemail. This risk aversion ultimately led to me avoiding many experiences…(and if I'm being honest) I’d say most experiences.
Wow, talk about timely!
That’s why this month's theme of Risk and Reward feels spot on. It’s something I have been thinking about for some time.

When I was invited to write this month’s editorial, I immediately thought, “Oh no, I can’t do that. People will read these words and know they are mine. And then...well, I don’t know what but I just know something will happen.” The risk seemed big for a moment. Then I thought about the people I’d be writing to, my people...Romancelandia and I recognized the reward. This would be an opportunity to deepen my connections with the community I feel most at home with.
Some amazing things happened that allowed me to re-frame the concept of risk. The love and support of friends and family mixed with my own hard emotional work began to mend a space inside of me enough that I could consider a scenario where I’d risk something in order to get the thing I wanted...and here’s the kicker, maybe I’d be successful.
I wanted to write. I wanted to write funny, sexy, things that fulfilled a need I believe is in high demand - a ‘Happy Ever After’. I wanted to let a story grow inside of me and then, when I’d given it all I could, I would pull it from my heart and offer it up as a gift. The risk of making myself so open and vulnerable felt dark and scary but the reward of experience and transformation overpowered the dark.

Risk and reward now feel like a necessary duality of sorts. The experience of risk carves out space inside for the reward of transformation to take place.
I still don’t claim to love risk but I do believe it is a necessity and often beneficial.
PHS and Romancelandia have given me space to risk a little at a time...a risk tolerance builder of sorts. Someday (hopefully soon) when I finish my story and offer it to my community I hope the transformation of risk to reward comes alive within the pages and maybe is even a little contagious...
Mercy can be found on Twitter and is always happy to hear from anyone who would like their book reviewed by our team or a fellow romance reader who would like to review for us.
Are you a risk taker or do you avoid it at all costs ? Do you talk yourself out of opportunities, kick yourself repeatedly for missing out or embrace every opportunity you encounter, regardless of the risk or reward? Let us know in the comments or by joining the conversation on this subject on our Social Media using #ItsNotEasy