#BookTalk: Mills & Boon Book Reviews and Chat

We're delighted to welcome our this month's #BookTalk guest to the PHS: Amy Ella of Mills & Boon Book Reviews and Chat!

Tell us your vital stats:
Well Hi, I'm Amy Ella. I've spent the last ten years, studying part time whilst working as a Teaching Assistant (and other roles) to get my Bachelors Degree to become an early years teacher. I've recently become a full-time Mummy (...is 2 and half years recent?) and after finishing my degree I missed studying so much I've now become a student again, studying Counselling. At 32 I'm considered a mature student which bites a little!
I'm a 'Book Lover' and newbie (only been doing this since January!) #BookReviewer #BookBlogger & #MillsandBoonInsider. I'm a full-time Mummy to my little boy Lincoln and live in lovely Worcestershire with my Fiancée Matt. We have gained the title of an 'eternally engaged' couple, as we have been together and engaged for 10 years! He's my best friend, we still flirt with each other as if we only had our third date yesterday and I consider him my perfect 'Happily Ever After' (HEA.)
What made you choose the romance genre?
I've always been an avid reader since my early teens and I've munched my way through many genres, horror, suspense, thrillers, fantasy... you name it I've read it! But I never felt the same sort of escapism with those type of books. A romance can be edge of the seat gripping as well as endearing and sensual. I think romance offers me everything I look for in a book: clever writing, unpredictable twists whilst creating a world of both challenge and optimism.
But I guess it all started with my Nan & Mum who are both book lovers and bargain hunters. I always remember searching with my Mum around charity shops for hidden treasures and the treasures we found were always books and mostly Mills and Boon! This started my love-affair with romance in my teens, as she would bring me a new book almost every day and I have loved the romance genre ever since.
I've had a kind of, it’s now or never moment, I'm hoping to find my own writer's voice and enter the romance world as an author. Reading is the best research! So I thought I'd start a blog about all things romance whilst I find it.
Your favorite trope?
Ooooh! I I've always had a weakness for heroes who have no interest in women, are strong but career focused. But then a tantalising heroine comes along and shows him what he's been missing. But I also adore sultry Sheikh's focused on protecting the family name and tradition, but Cupid's arrow strikes and the rules have to be bent if not broken to get to their 'happily ever after.' Do I have a favourite? I'm not sure. I love them all!
What kind of story do you think is still missing from the genre?
My brain's coming up empty on this one I'm afraid! I've still so much to read. And genres are coming out all the time that I didn't know existed but have been hiding in the shadows! I say in the shadows but they may have just not been in my radar. But I'm excited to keep on exploring.

Your house is on fire. What book do you save?
Oh my... Now that's a question. Probably the one I'm writing. Is that a cop-out? No, it would be my very tatty, battered and bruised copy of Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte. Too cliché? Maybe. But I have a weakness for brooding men with deep dark secrets that can't help but let themselves be all consumed by love and Mr Rochester has always my favourite 'hero'. No seriously, he's not that bad! This romance I always revisit and each time I read it, I learn something new about each character. The first time I read it I thought Jane was weak, but each time I read it now I marvel at how strong a heroine she is and just how complex Mr Edward Rochester is. A classic romance that satisfies me time after time and beautifully written.
What’s the 2017 release/next book in a series you’re most looking forward to reading?
It would have to be, A Warriner to Rescue Her by Virginia Heath. This is the second book in The Wild Warriner series from Mills & Boon Historical. It's going to be released in July 2017 and I'm super excited about it!
What is the book you’d hands down recommend to our readers?
I was lucky enough to read an ARC (Advanced Reading Copy) of the first in The Wild Warriner series, A Warriner to Protect Her by Virginia Heath. This was my first Mills and Boon Historical Romance and I was completely taken aback by the quality and wit of the writing.
I have read several amazing M&B, Historical Romances since, but without a doubt A Warriner to Protect Her is my read of the year so far. It's a sexy, witty and romantic tale with a very enticing 'wet sheep' scene. You'll know what I mean when you read it!
But I am absolutely obsessed with Historical Romance now and my TBR (to-be-read) pile is overflowing with them now I've discovered how wonderful they are!