#ReaderOfTheMonth: Morgan Elektra

We're delighted to welcome our 1000th follower on Twitter - our April #ReaderOfTheMonth - to the PHS: Morgan Elektra!

Where in the world are you?
I was born & raised in upstate NY (in the mountains), but I currently live in the deep South, just outside Savannah, GA.
Do you have a day job?
Up until this time last year, I was a ghostwriter, working predominantly in the romance & erotica genres. But I gave up the regular paying gig to pursue my own writing. It’s been terrifying and exhilarating so far!
How long have you been reading romance?
For about 20 years. I picked up my first romance novel (Sweet Fierce Fires by Joyce Myrus) when I was in high school and haven’t looked back since.

What is your favourite theme?
I think that it would be the ‘enemies to lovers’ thing. Even as far back as my childhood, I remember loving the movie Romancing the Stone for that reason. I just can’t get enough of the snarky banter and tension, and the peeling back of layers to get beyond the prickliness. Insta-love I never really got, but that development of annoyance to affection? Gold.
What kind of story would you like to see written?
All of them. Is that too broad an answer? I just love stories of all kinds. I want to hear everyone’s stories.
How many books do you read in a week/month/year?
It fluctuates. When I’m writing, I don’t have as much time to read. Then, when I finish something, I binge and devour as many books as I can get my hands on. So, week to week, there’s a lot of change in the number. But, on average, I read at least 300 or so books (this includes novellas, but not individual short stories) per year.
What book would you recommend to our readers?
If you haven’t read Nora Sakavic’s All For the Game series, I highly recommend them. They came out of the fanfiction community, although it’s always been original fiction, and I’m just totally in love. It’s sort of an alternate history, crime, sports, M/M romance mash-up. There’s a lot of dark, trigger-y stuff (abuse, self-harm, addiction, molestation), so they’re not for everyone, but the main relationship is such a gorgeous slow burn and there’s so much emotion packed into the story that I’ve already re-read them 3 times in the last year.

Which books are an auto buy for you?
Anything by Nalini Singh. Literally anything. She could publish her weekly To Do list and I would one click it.
If your house was on fire which book would you save?
Ouch. Just kill me, why don’t you? Fine. If I have to choose… I have a copy of The Mists of Avalon in hardcover that used to belong to my mother. There’s no dust cover, the spine is duct taped together, and it’s probably missing some pages, but—aside from the fact that my mother gave it to me, and she’s one of the main reasons I have such a passion for reading—I love that book.
And what are you reading now?
I just finished Left Behind, the latest book in Michele Notaro’s Finding My Forever series. It was really good! I’m a little more than halfway done with Madeline Miller’s The Song of Achilles, which I’m enjoying immensely. And, as always, my TBR pile continues to grow by leaps and bounds!
Do you qualify for reader of the month? Would you like to nominate someone for the position? Just let us know in the comments or on Social Media or email us on the contact page!