PHS Aspiring Authors: Coming Up in April!

Spring has sprung at PHS, and romance writing is in the air! Can you feel it? We do! Read on to hear more about the April author takeovers to look forward to!
New to the PHS Aspiring Authors’ Group have been our Author Takeovers! These continue to be both unique and fun Q&A weekly events! Giving you unprecedented access to successful romance authors, a wealth of writing help, information, and guidance is not far behind!

We all saw that firsthand during Carina Press author Holley Trent's Takeover!
Straightforward and friendly, Holley had helped us with editing, marketing, and publishing. As a hybrid author, she had so much to share with us about her writing journey, and about the challenges of writing as both a self-published and traditionally published author.
We loved how she focused on how it's important to be resilient in an ever-changing romance publishing landscape!

Next up was PHS Senior Contents Editor and hybrid romance author, Robyn Rychards.
Robyn talked about how she got started reading romance (her grandmother's stash of Harlequins have a lot to answer for) and how to break out of a that ever ominous writing rut. Plus was available to answer all of our most pressing questions!

Then it we had HQN and Mills & Boon author Maisey Yates in the PHS house, who set up some posts for general questions at the beginning of her takeover, and then shared her Top Tips with us throughout the rest of the day.
Maisey talked about everything from practising finishing a book, to embracing failure, and budgeting your work - a novel idea that we're definitely going to be trying out!
One of the key things that we learnt was about it's hard work and commitment that makes a writer successful.
Coming Up In April 2019

We're kicking off our March Takeovers on the 4th April, with the second of our monthly Carina Press Takeovers!
The wonderful Melanie Hansen is the author of deeply emotional m/f and m/m romance novels, where her characters find love amidst real-life struggles.
There'll be opportunities to ask Melanie about her writing and experiences, and we can't wait to see you all there!

And then on the 11th April, we will have award winning sweet and medical romance author Kate Hardy, talking to us about her writing experiences!
Kate will be answering all of your questions, so make sure that you've signed up to the Aspiring Authors Group!
That way you can be amongst the first to ask Kate about building a brand across different subgenres of romance, as well as reading her writing tips, advice and much much more!

Next we've got Mills & Boon author Reese Ryan, guesting with us on the 18th April.
Do you hope to write sexy romances with drama, passion and sinful secrets? Reese will have all the answers to your burning how-to questions!
We're looking forward to hearing how she made the change from Kimani to Desire, and learning all about her writing journey.

And then, Sandra Antonelli will be taking over the PHS Aspiring Authors Group on the 25th April, to talk to us about writing Seasoned Romance.
Sandra has long been an advocate for older heroes and heroines, and we can't wait to hear her top tips for getting that seasoned romance just right!
Join her as she takes us into a world where grey hair doesn't preclude you from getting your happy ever after!
We're a friendly bunch, and will always been on hand to offer advice, a shoulder to cry on, or multiple memes to make you smile! We look forward to seeing you in the group and on social media this month. Happy writing!
Remember if you are a published author or an active member of our Aspiring Authors Group, you too can stage a Q&A or Writing Craft takeover. All you have to do is email us via the contact form here on the site, with AA Takeover in the subject line, and we will get back to you ASAP to book the next available slot.
Are you excited about our new schedule and the takeovers we have coming up? Is there something else you would like to see us doing as part of our Aspiring Authors program? Let us know in the comments or on our Social Media or in the PHS Aspiring Authors Group using any of the links in this article.
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