PHS Aspiring Authors: Our New Schedule!

Exciting times lie ahead as the PHS Aspiring Authors program undergoes a Marie Kondo inspired make-over to spark writing joy!
Not everyone has embraced the Marie Kondo method of sparking joy via tidying up. But at the PHS Aspiring Authors Group we fully endorse the ideas of getting better organized, simplifying things and sticking to a plan. To that end, we have put our heads together and come up with a new schedule so we can focus the majority of our time and effort on the joy of writing and help everyone to get lots of wonderful words down on the page!
To do this, we looked back at what worked in the past and drew inspiration from the early days of the PHS, when we were a daily Blog and had themed days so everyone knew what was coming up next and where to look for the things they needed. Then we thought about the things we, as writers, would like to see more of and learn about and often find ourselves discussing when we get together for a group chat.
The result is a new daily schedule within the Aspiring Authors Group which we think will benefit our members as well as the amazing published authors who donate precious time and hard-won expertise to our program. So, let's take a look at what we have planned...

Male On Monday
It was once the most popular day of the week at the PHS, so it made complete sense to resurrect it. Pop by for pics of guys who can inspire romance heroes and spark your imagination. Then we invite you to share your current crush with us, regardless of whether they are a person you have invented, one you have found in a book, a person in real life who makes you happy sigh or a fictional hero/heroine in film or a TV show. Yes, we're all about the gratuitous swooning here! But what better way is there for aspiring romance authors to beat those Monday blues?!
And don't forget to look out for our monthly Female on Monday, where we talk about our favourite heroines and heroine-inspiration!

Talk Time Tuesday
Let us get to know you! On Tuesday morning', we'll get together for coffee and a chat about life, the universe and anything you feel like sharing.
We want you to feel at home in the PHS Aspiring Authors Group and that you have an extended family of like-minded creative souls who are rooting for you to succeed! Then, later in the day, we have a brainstorming session, where you can tell us about your plotting/writing road-blocks and we offer help, advice and lessons learned to help you get going again.

Writer's Wednesday
This is the day when we discuss any writing/craft related articles in the PHS magazine, any blogs or reports we may have found interesting during the week and debate the hot topics from Romancelandia. And if that wasn't enough, we then have a writing-related Q&A, covering everything from goal, motivation and conflict, to marketing and promotion.
Think of it as a business of creativity day and what the hive mind doesn't know, it won't take long for us to research en masse!

Takeover Thursday
On Thursday we hand over the keys of our Pink Heart AA Kingdom to guest authors and AA members who will be completely in charge of what happens that day.
There may be Q&As, there may be writing tips, it may be a story about how they overcame the odds to succeed. And there will be Writing Craft Takeovers which will replace our mini-workshops and will henceforth run in the Facebook Group and be archived in our Forum, the latter of which will be closed to comments at the end of February.

Fun On Friday
This is the day we get our meme on, with some of the truest and most entertaining graphics and gifs about writing (and writers) on the Interweb. We also share what we're reading, watching and anticipating, entertainment-wise, when we know we should be writing.
And in the evening we have an open-to-all Whine & Cheese party where you can share your writing grievances on subjects like family and friends who just don't get it, imaginary people who won't behave and the lack of hours in a day,

Weekend Words
Last but by no means least are the days when we knuckle-down and get to work putting words on the page! We will be issuing the weekend words challenge, which will put you head-to-head with fellow aspiring/published authors during our regularly scheduled Word Sprints.
There will be Plot Problem chats to help you dig yourself out of any holes you may have written yourself into. And we will have graphics you can display on Social Media/Blogs/Websites when you participate in or win one of our challenges!
Coming Up In February 2019

As we introduce the new daily schedule to the Aspiring Authors Group, some of our pre-booked takeovers will be a little out-of-sync. For that reason, we will be pimping the upcoming takeovers far and wide on Social Media to ensure you don't miss them!
First up, on 11th February, is the fabulous Rachel Dove, who will be handed the keys to the PHS Aspiring Authors Kingdom for a whole day! We would tell you more about what that involves and what she'll be doing but the truth is, we don't know! It could be a chat about writing. It could be insider info on her new book. It's all down to Rachel. So, we'll definitely be there to find out!

Following closely behind on 12th February, and running alongside our new daily schedule for a week, will be the first of our Writing Craft Takeovers with the amazing Heidi Rice, who will be teaching us about Creating Compelling Characters.
Heidi's author takeover was such a success last month that we know the Aspiring Authors Group will be buzzing with messages again. So, if you haven't already signed up, get there ASAP, settle in and get the lay of the land before she arrives to ensure you don't miss a single word!

Then, on the 21st February, our very own PHS Managing Editor, Ali Williams, will be staging a takeover to talk about finding a Write Life Balance.
As someone currently juggling a full time job, PHS responsibilities, as well as her PhD studies (which include writing a full length romance novel alongside a 40k thesis), we know she will have a wealth of experience to share!
Remember if you are a published author or an active member of our Aspiring Authors Group, you too can stage a takeover. All you have to do is email us via the contact form here on the site with AA Takeover in the subject line and we will get back to you ASAP to book the next available slot.
We look forward to seeing you in the group and on Social Media this month. Happy writing!
Are you excited about our new schedule and the takeovers we have coming up? Is there something else you would like to see us doing as part of our Aspiring Authors program? Let us know in the comments or on our Social Media or in the PHS Aspiring Authors Group using any of the links in this article.
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