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#HunkOfTheMonth: Prince Harry

We're delighted to welcome Teri Wilson to the PHS, as she talks to us about her #HunkOfTheMonth: Prince Harry!

I’ve been a royal enthusiast for as long as I can remember. My favorite birthday cake of all time was a Cinderella cake I had when I turned 5. It wasn’t the buttercream that won me over. It was the glass coach cutting a swath through the icing and the little plastic couple waltzing their way among the candles. There’s a magic quality to royalty that makes my romantic heart swell. I just can’t help it. The fact that up until this year, I’d yet to write a royal romance is a straight-up miracle. So I’m making up for it by penning an entire royal series for Pocket Books this year.

More on that later. First, we need to talk about Harry.

What makes Prince Harry the perfect royal?

So many things. I could go on all day, but because the internet only has so much space, here are the top 7 reasons:

1) He’s naughty (but not in a gross way). Two words: naked billiards. Harry exudes the perfect amount of naughtiness… just enough to know that he would be a lot a fun. (A whole lot.) But his dating history shows that he’s also something of a serial monogamist. So while he might have a dash of a playboy streak, beneath it all, he’s still got serious BF potential. What’s that suit made of, you ask? Royal boyfriend material.

2. He’s heroic. Harry served in the British Army for ten years, including two combat tours in Afghanistan. He’s an ardent supporter of veterans, especially those who have been wounded in battle. He also looks insanely hot in a uniform, even one with ruffles down the front of it.

3. He’s passionate. Prince Harry is committed to saving wildlife. He also started a charity in Africa for orphans and children whose lives have been affected by the HIV/AIDS epidemic. He’s an outspoken advocate for mental health. He CARES, and that is sexy as hell.

4. He’s romantic. Prince Harry’s dates with current flame Meghan Markle have included taking her to a secluded town in Norway called Tromvik to view the Northern Lights and enjoying an uber-private, after dark tour of London’s Natural History Museum. These are some crazy-romantic dates, ya’ll. We’re talking epic. I didn’t even know dates like this actually happened outside of romance novels and the Bachelor franchise. Oh Prince Harry, BE STILL MY HEART.

5. The beard, you guys. THE BEARD.

6. That posh British accent. Have you ever heard Prince Harry speak? He basically sounds like Mr. Darcy, only royal. Here you go:

7. He is quite literally, Prince Charming. Prince Harry’s charm is legendary. He loves people, and they love him right back. Like, a lot. Check out the look on his face as he greets this sweet elderly woman who is clearly as in love with him as I am.

Check out the look on his face as he greets this sweet elderly woman who is clearly as in love with him as I am. Harry also has a heart for children, especially kids struggling to overcome physical or emotional challenges. MELT.

So what do you think? Is Prince Harry royally dreamy, or is it just me??

All photos of Prince Harry via the official Kensington Palace Instagram @kensingtonroyal

Mainly, it was because Prince Harry is a literal Prince Charming, and the world deserves to know about him. Also because it enabled me to spend time searching for great photos of him and call it work. But I digress…He’s fifth in line to the British throne, but it’s no secret that he’s number one in my heart. When I got a message from the Pink Heart Society asking if I wanted to write a piece about my “boyfriend, Prince Harry,” I couldn’t say yes fast enough. (And not just because I automatically love anyone who refers to Prince Harry as my boyfriend, but let’s face it. That didn’t hurt.)

Are you a Prince Harry fan, or do you just love royal romance heroes? Share your thoughts with us in the comments.

Teri's latest release, Royally Romanov, is out this month. For more information check out her website and follow her on Twitter and Instagram.


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