PHS Aspiring Authors: Coming Up in March!

Our new PHS Aspiring Authors schedule was a great success in February, and we're even more excited to share March's events with you!
We fully embraced the Marie Kondo method of sparking joy via tidying up last month. We introduced a brand new daily schedule at the PHS Aspiring Authors Group, which was a great success! Full of writing advice, memes and takeovers, out little corner of the internet has really come together.
Our weekly Q&A and Craft Takeovers were also super popular.

First off we handed the keys to the PHS Aspiring Authors Kingdom to Rachel Dove for the day!
She took us through the romance sniffles, Nora Ephron movies (You've Got Mail anyone?) and what makes a passionate hero completely irredeemable, using Joe from the new Netflix series You as an example.
We loved how she focused on why we connect with different stories and characters—always important for the aspiring author!

Close on her heels was a week-long Writing Craft Takeover, led by Heidi Rice, on Creating Compelling Characters.
Heidi took us through all aspects of character creation, from the meet-cute, to how to make them distinctive, and even gave some of our aspiring authors feedback on their writing!
You can find all of the exercises in our Facebook Group here.

Then it was time for my first PHS Aspiring Authors Takeover! I spent the day talking about finding that all- important Write Life Balance, and how to carve out space in your life for creativity.
We shared our minimising-distractions techniques, as well as sources of inspiration, and what to do when faced with the ever dreaded Writers' Block.
I had such a great time chatting with you all, and have definitely stolen some of your tips as well!

Then it was over to our PHS Reviews Editor Frankie, who took us through all of the do's and don't's of reviewing, and explained exactly what it is that she looks for when she's reviewing a book.
She also shared with us photos of her beloved pooch, Lady Pea, and her even more beloved Tom Hardy!
Even when some tea-spillage took her laptop out of action, she soldiered on, sharing stories and ideas with our aspiring authors community!
Coming Up In March 2019

We're kicking off our March Takeovers on the 7th March, with the first of our monthly Carina Press Takeovers!
The wonderful Holley Trent, author of contemporary, paranormal and science fiction romances, will be with us to talk about her new contemporary polyamorous romance, Writing Her In.
There'll be opportunities to ask Holley about her writing and experiences as an indie, self-published and traditionally published author, and we can't wait to see you all there!

And then on the 14th March, we have our very own Senior Contents Editor, Robyn Rychards, talking to us about her writing experiences! Robyn will be answering all of your questions, so make sure that you've already signed up to the Aspiring Authors Group!
That way you can be amongst the first to ask Robyn about building a brand as an indie author, as well as reading her writing tips, advice and much much more!

And then, to celebrate her new 8-book deal with HQN books, Maisey Yates will be taking over the PHS Aspiring Authors Group on the 21st March, to talk to us about Building a Writing Career.
Maisey is someone who has written both category and single title romances, with a veritable smorgasbord of heroes, including billionaires and cowboys, sheikhs and bikers. She loves to give writing and publishing advice, and we can't wait to bombard her with questions!

And we're finishing off our March Takeovers with an #OpenHouse on the 28th March.
Come and get to know our corner of the internet! Are you an aspiring author who's been a little too shy to say 'hi' so far? Are you new to the group?
We're a friendly bunch, and will always been on hand to offer advice, a should to cry on, or multiple memes to make you smile! We look forward to seeing you in the group and on social media this month. Happy writing!
Remember if you are a published author or an active member of our Aspiring Authors Group, you too can stage a Q&A or Writing Craft takeover. All you have to do is email us via the contact form here on the site, with AA Takeover in the subject line, and we will get back to you ASAP to book the next available slot.
Are you excited about our new schedule and the takeovers we have coming up? Is there something else you would like to see us doing as part of our Aspiring Authors program? Let us know in the comments or on our Social Media or in the PHS Aspiring Authors Group using any of the links in this article.
#Writing #aspiringauthors #Facebook #FacebookGroup #workshops #support #contests #amwriting #Romance #Books #Authors #Writers #motivation #inspiration #advice #writingtips #workshops #happyholidays #NewYearResolutions #NewYear #goals #wordcount #Takeovers #RachelDove #HeidiRice #CreatingCompellingCharacters #AliWilliams #TheWriteLifeBalance #Frankie #Review #HolleyTrent #WritingHerIn #RobynRychards #MaiseyYates #OpenHouse