#HunkOfTheMonth: Space Cowboys

PHS columnist, Katherine Garbera, talks to us about her #HunkOfTheMonth: the men who have inspired her Space Cowboys. PLUS she has a giveaway for one lucky reader!

This month I'm releasing the last book in my Space Cowboys series and I had so much fun researching real astronauts and of course reliving my girlhood crushes on different astronauts.
Astronauts make great romance heroes because they are bold and daring. These are men who aren't afraid to go after what they want and will stop at nothing to get it. They are also highly intelligent and in great shape--always a bonus!
Here are my top 3 hunky astronauts:
Dennis Quaid as Gordon Cooper in The Right Stuff.
Larry Hagman as Major Nelson from I Dream of Jeannie.
Oscar Isaac as Poe Dameron in Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
Real life astronauts who are rock stars:
John Glenn
He was part of the Mercury Space program, the first man to orbit Earth and went back into space in 1998 making him the oldest person to do so.
Cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova
The first woman in space in 1963 and helped inspire my heroine in Beyond The Limits, who is an astronaut and proud to be part of the space program.
Sally Ride
The first US woman in space.
Who are your favorite space people? Comment on this blog to be entered to win an autographed copies of the entire three book series of the Space Cowboys.
Katherine's latest release, Beyond the Limits, is out now. For more information check out her website and follow her on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest.
#HunkOfTheMonth #KatherineGarbera #SpaceCowboys #May2017 #BeyondtheLimits #TheRightStuff #DennisQuaid #Astronaunt #GodronCooper #LarryHagman #MajorNelson #IDreamofJeannie #StarWarsTheForceAwakens #PoeDameron #OscarIsaac #JohnGlenn #MercurySpaceProgram #Cosmonaut #ValentinaTereshkova #SallyRide #Giveaway