Aspiring Authors: Don't Miss Out!

Suffer from FOMO? Well, be afraid. Be very afraid. Because if you're not a member of our Aspiring Authors Facebook group, you are most definitely missing out!

What You Missed Last Month:
In April we kicked off our Author Takeovers with the second of our Carina Press guests. Melanie Hansen, who writes about finding love while coping with real-life struggles in her m/f and m/m romance novels.
Melanie revealed she started out writing fanfic, confessed to being a pantster, talked about her writing routine, shared tips for researching characters professions, and did giveaways of her new book and a $10 Amazon gift card!

Next up, Kate Hardy, the awesome, award-wining sweet and medical romance (and scarily prolific!) author, joined us to talk writing and books and provide us with beautiful pictures of her home and handsome pup, Archie. (He's gorgeous.)
Kate explained the importance of getting into a writing routine and being disciplined, outlined the positive points of revisions, dispelled a few myths about what you must and must not do as a writer and ran a Q & A where you could literally ask her anything and she would share all her secrets!

The following Thursday, the amazing Reese Ryan, who writes sexy, contemporary romance featuring a diverse cast of complex characters for Harlequin Desire, came to visit.
Reese had some incredible tips on writing passionate stories and dealing with writing struggles, confessed there were times she lost her way and walked us through her method for creating characters people care about!

And then we had author and academic Sandra Antonelli, who has a MA and PhD in romance fiction, specifically on the roles and representation of women and age in romance fiction, and writes Seasoned Romance featuring heroines over 40 paired with heroes of an equal age.
Sandra talked about all things seasoned romance related, challenged the perception that love is reserved for the young in romantic fiction, and opened the door to any of our Aspiring Authors who wanted to talk to her more about the subject when her takeover ended!
Oh, and just as a BTW, we also launched our Weekend Words events, where our Aspiring Authors can gather to get their wordcount on...

Running on Saturday and Sunday and hosted by our very own Managing Editor, Trish Wylie, it's the new home of our Word Sprint sessions, where you can find help, support and encouragement and writing memes to push you to plant your butt in a chair and write. One weekend, Trish managed to chalk up an impressive 5800 words in the Word Sprint sessions. And considering they're only half an hour long and during one she got distracted by escapee ponies... Ha! Take THAT 1k1hr!
What You Could Miss In May:
In May, the fabulous Adrianna Herrera, devilishly handsome, Daniel de Lorne, amazing Lara Temple, fantastic Therese Beharrie and legendary Rhonda Baxter will all be staging author takeovers. And we could tell you more about that but we're not gonna. You'll have to join us in our Aspiring Authors Facebook Group to find out!
You don't want to miss out, do you? As an aspiring romance author can you afford to miss out?! Join the group, join the discussion and if you search the tags, you may even be able to catch up on what you've already missed. You know you want to! And FOMO can be debilitating. We're just sayin'...
Got a question? Need to brainstorm? Need a chat? Need a rant? Our Aspiring Authors team is here to help, whether you need advice, some cheese with your whine, or just a good laugh. We can’t wait to hang out with you in the group and on social media. Happy writing!
Remember if you are a published author or an active member of our Aspiring Authors Group, you too can stage a Q&A or Writing Craft takeover. All you have to do is email us via the contact form here on the site, with AA Takeover in the subject line, and we will get back to you ASAP to book the next available slot.