PHS Aspiring Authors Latest News!

Wonderful things continue to happen at the Pink Heart Society Aspiring Authors group. Chris Buono brings us up to speed on what’s been happening!
What’s Your Story?

We love aspiring romance authors! Are you one? Then we want to help you along in your writing life. We want to answer your questions. We want to be alongside you, on your road to penning your first story. We want to celebrate with you, when you reach your word count. We want to congratulate you, when you publish your first romance… And beyond!
That’s why we created the PHS AA group; to help, inform, interact with, and inspire the writer in you!
PHS workshops rock!
Have you joined the Forum yet? That’s the only way to take part in our free writing workshops. Don’t miss these master classes, taught by published authors.

The workshops we run are designed to assist our members with their writing. No two workshops are alike, and each is packed with specific information, guidance, and writing tasks. Each instructor during their live event, is available to help you with your writing, whether it be by answering questions, giving task feedback, or chatting writing. Our workshops have everything you need to succeed—to the best of your ability.
Taking our workshops can help with writing confidence as well as give the necessary skills needed to become a better writer. You just need to interact, or follow along with the lessons—either during the live event, or after it’s over.
You have nothing to lose and everything to gain as a writer by joining them, which I came to appreciate after recently taking two of them myself.
1. Avril Tremayne’s “Let’s Talk about Sex!” workshop helped me better understand how to write hot romance scenes. Every step of the way, Avril was there, interacting with me, commenting on my submitted work, answering my questions, and helping me pen this kind of a story even better.
2. Linda-Thomas Sundstrom’s “Paranormal Potions” workshop was also a very positive writing experience for me. From Linda working with me creating my first paranormal romance sentence, to her concise lessons on how best to write Paranormal Romance—a genre I have never tried to write—her course overflowed with paranormal romance assistance that was of great benefit.
Yes, we are proud of our workshops. But, we wanted to give you even more. So we did!
Since We Met Last

Our #PHSsprint is leading the “get-to-writing” race! We run four times (0600, 1200, 1800, and 2400) during our #SundaySprints in order to accommodate your schedule, and more of you have not only joined our sprint but also started writing because of it. Thanks for telling us!
Keep joining in with our “kick-start-your-writing” weekly sprint! We love having you on our writing team!
Still, that’s not the only new hashtag we have to help you to write! When we asked you to try your hand at #WeekendWords, you did! So bowled over by your #WordCount reveals, we now, affectionately, call each of our weekend writers a #WordWarrior!
An E-zine of Firsts
Are you writing a romance, for #NaNoWriMo2018? Don’t worry. You won’t be alone. We’re holding
our first-ever #NaNoWriMo support group.

That’s right! PHS will be here to help you along—every step of your NaNo-writing way! Stop by our month-long event—whether you’ve officially signed up for NaNo, or not—to have an extra writing shoulder on which to lean, a place to ask questions, get advice, hear a cheer, or take part in writing events. We can’t wait to see you!
What’s Next?

Have you missed any of our live writing workshops? Don’t fret—we have another one this month! Join our Forum today to take Bestselling Romance and Mystery Author, Partricia Sargeant’s, StoryTeller’s Toolkit course!
No matter where you are in your writing life, this is a workshop you don’t want to pass up. Partricia will be covering three key parts of a story: premise, high concept, and conflict.
By interacting, you’ll learn how to identify the important points of your tale, how to work them more effectively, and be better prepared to bring it all to life in your writing. Homework assignments will be given throughout the course, and all will receive feedback from Patricia herself.
What’s stopping you from joining our PHS AA group today?
Chris Buono, a member of our PHS Aspiring Authors Team, is an aspiring romance author, himself. You can find him on Twitter, Facebook, and Wattpad.
Have you been enjoying our workshops? Share with your friends and followers online and by word of mouth. Keep up with our new hashtags like the ones above and meet other aspiring authors, all in the same boat with you.