Reader Of The Month

Meet Lea Darragh, who dreams of spending every day snuggling in front of a fire, reading romance about heroes who will stop at nothing to get the girl!

Where in the world are you?
As we speak, I'm in front of a cosy fire (watching love blossom on The Bachelor) in East Gippsland, Victoria, but come the new year, I'll be hauling butt to Mudgee (Mid-Western NSW wine country). I'm a tad excited!
Do you have a day job?
We can't sit around all day, snuggled up on a sofa reading romance...can we? I'm certainly not that lucky! I'm a childhood educator, and instead spend time teaching children the ways of the wonderful world.
How long have you been reading Romance?
Not that long actually - compared to others. Seven years...maybe eight...I was late to the party, but I'm staying until the very end.
What is your favourite theme?
When the hero will stop at absolutely nothing to get the girl.
What kind of story would you like to see written?
One about me, with a happy ever after. There are so many uncertainties in life. I just want to know that everything will be ok! Take me on an adventure. Leave me at the end with everything in place.
How many books do you read in a year and which author/s books are an auto buy for you?
I'm a wife. Mother of three kids. Have a teen with a boyfriend. A day job too, plus am a writer. I don't read as much as I should. Probably only two to three books a year...doesn't stop me buying!

I'll always snap up a Paullina Simons... Jill Mansell...oohhh that reminds me! Marian Keyes has a new release! I must go! Back in five!
If your house is on fire, which book would you save?
Without question - The Bronze Horseman by Paullina Simons. It's always been my fave. Always will be.
The book hands down you’d recommend to our readers?
See above. No, seriously. It'll change your life. Unhinge you. Make you ache in ways you never knew you could. Remember how I said I loved a hero who would stop at nothing for his love? This book is exhibit A.
And what are you reading now?
The new Marian as soon as my hands are on it!