PHS Aspiring Authors: We’re All Heart

Assistant Editor, Chris Buono is here to catch us up on all of the exciting happenings over in our PHS Aspiring Authors group & the Forum this month...

So, you’ve heard about the Pink Heart Society's Aspiring Authors Group, but what exactly is it?
Perhaps that question can best be answered by telling you what our group is not. That is to say, we're not your ordinary writing group. Many of our members are non-published authors—just like you! Why is that important? Because starting out in the romance-writing life can be intimidating. And, if you’re intimidated by writing a story, it can be quite difficult to pen the perfect romance.
Therefore, to be able to interact with those in the same part of the romance-writing journey as you is golden! For that reason, the PHS Aspiring Authors Group was created.
Our members are here to not only listen but also encourage, guide, and inform you. That’s not because they have to, but they want to! Our very own Kali Anthony, for example, recently did just that, when she shared a post for an unpublished-author romance-writing contest, run by her local RWAus chapter. Manda Jane Ward, gives us, weekly, motivational quotes. Maribeth MacMillan offered insights on how to submit material to The Romantic Novelists Association (RNA) New Writers Scheme (NWS). Other members have asked writing questions, given help, and joined in on conversations.
For our members, there are no questions too small; no egos to fear; no limits to what one can accomplish in one’s writing, if one makes use of this group!
True, published romance authors are among us here. That’s an added bonus, though, for you aspiring authors! Having a mix of both aspiring and published romance authors in this group, enables all aspiring authors to get the best of everything “writing.”
So, what else have you been missing, by not being a member, other than storehouse-of-information articles?

If you’re new at writing romance and you fear the idea of penning a full-length novel, contests are a great way to break through that fear. Why? Because they can encourage you to write “specific”. That is, on a set topic that has a small word count—particulars that may help you stay focused and complete a story.
That’s why we just held our first-ever Summer Lovin’ writing competition for aspiring authors, to help build your writing confidence (and if you entered this contest be sure to keep an eye on your inbox this week as we contact our winner!). Sure, there were prizes to win, however, the ultimate goal here was to get you to write! Due to the popularity of that contest’s debut, we are considering running more competitions in the future. So, why not join our group, to be “in the know,” when a new contest happens?

If writing contests aren’t your thing, then writing workshops can be a benefit, too. That’s why we our very own Trish Wylie is running her ongoing Common Romance Writing Mistakes workshop. Her in-depth course covers writing-time excuses, why you shouldn’t isolate yourself while writing, and everything in between.
Trish’s workshop—filled with numerous, worthwhile tasks—is a wealth of information for aspiring authors, and reviewing her workshop should be a priority. All you need to do is to join our group and you can learn how best to fix those pesky, mistakes.
Harlequin Mills & Boon author, Michelle Styles, brought us her Consent is Sexy writing workshop. She covered courtship rituals as well as the body language of the hero and heroine, and how you could write it correctly, in a “sexual consent” romance story. Michelle kept all the writers on track with fun writing exercises, as well as being available to answer questions.

Is that kind of a romance writing your style? Then join our group, and check out Michelle’s tips for how to get that “particular” perfect on the page!
But wait, there’s more!
It was prolific Harlequin Mills & Boon author Kate Walker, who gave us The 12-Point Guide to Writing Romance Course workshop. If ever you were lost on how to bring a romance novel to life, through dialogue, conflict, or, focus—to mention some points she discussed—you won’t want to miss Kate’s lessons.

You'll find wonderful writing pointers and insights at your fingertips that will, no doubt, enable you to write a better romance. Kate’s workshop didn’t stop there, though! She gave complete, helpful replies to questions she was asked, in addition to her already knowledge-filled workshop.
The only thing preventing you from missing out on reading this beneficial work—from a seasoned, romance author like Kate—is not becoming a member of this PHS AA group. Don’t put off being a part of this fun, interactive, and helpful group any longer. Join us today!
And watch out this month for a brand new workshop from author Avril Tremayne who will be telling us everything we need to know about writing hot and steamy sex scenes. Most definitely NSFW!

Chris Buono, a member of our Aspiring Authors Team, is an aspiring romance author, and you can find him on Twitter, Facebook, and Wattpad.
Is there something you would like to see us doing in the #AspiringAuthors Facebook Group or our Forum? A workshop you would be interested in? A Beta-reader/Critique partner date night? Advice from editors on pitchfests? You tell us. Your wish is our command!