Classic Love Stories. Are They Still Part Of The Romance Genre?
If a classic love story is now considered "literature", does that mean it's not part of the romance genre any more?  Avril Tre

Is The World A Better, Shinier Place In A Romance Novel?
This month in #ViveLaDifference, we ask if romance is creating a more equal world than the one we live in. Is there such a thing as a romanc

Crossing The Pond To Find Your Place In The Writing World
We're delighted to welcome Rachel Brimble to the PHS this month, as she talks about writing for the US market as a Brit...

From Book to Film
In this month's #IndustryInsights, new PHS columnist, Teri Wilson, talks about seeing her books finally make the transition to the big s

Finding Inspiration Everywhere
This month, PHS editor Ali Williams is talking about the importance of finding inspiration everywhere.

Meet Aspiring Author Mairibeth MacMillan
New to PHS this month is #Aspiring Authors! In this column we will chat with unpublished writers about their writing and goals. First up is

At Home With Cassandra O'Leary
Guest columnist and author, Cassandra O'Leary, shows us how wonderful it is to live in the land down under with a peek into her home inÂ

Dogs v Cats v Parrots v Bearded Dragons v All The Animals. Who Will Win? You Decide!
We're talking about our favourite four-legged sidekicks in romance at the PHS this month. After all, the world is a better place with pe

Are You Less Of A Man If Your Woman Can Bench-Press A Building?
PHS editor  Maya Kesh  explores the relationship between Wonder Woman and Steve Trevor and how it challenges the traditional gender norms in

The Appeal Of A Tortured Hero
There are few things we love more than a tortured hero! In this month's #HunkOfTheMonth column, historical romance author Virginia Heath

WIN A COPY of The Knight's Scarred Maiden
It's #GiveawayTime at the PHS! This month we have a signed, print copy of The Knight's Scarred Maiden from PHS columnist Nicole Lock

Tackling the Tough Subjects
PHS columnist, Vanessa North, is talking about what happens when escapist romance meets the tougher subjects in life.

Love Doesn't Always Conquer All
We take a look at romance novels which have inspired and influenced writers .  This month, Rachel Dove is looking at Gone With the Wind.

A Day In The Life: Heidi Rice
This month we're walking a mile in Heidi Rice's shoes as she has a moment of divine inspiration and puts all her movie reviewing exp