Character Creation For Beginners
They're the most important part of the story and must feel real for us to invest in their happily-ever-after. Jill Kemerer and Nicole Lo

Meet Aspiring Author Robby Dennis
In this month's #AspiringAuthors, we talk to Robby Dennis an aspiring author who made her dream a reality!

#MakingSpace: Routine Matters
Is routine important to you? What happens when it goes awry? PHS Editor Kali Anthony talks about how she recovered her creative mojo, when t

At Home With Melinda Curtis
Author Melinda Curtis gives us a peek into her master bath remodel, DIY-style!

Deadline Food: Bring On The Bowls!
We  all have times when we're too busy to cook, too tired to care what's on our plate and fall back on takeaway food to feed our fam

You Think You Know Someone...
Robyn Rychards is under the spotlight this month to tell us ten things we almost definitely didn't know...

Fashion Forward Writer: Desk Fashion
What is the desk accessory every writer wants? Is there a particular desk accessory authors can't live without? Virginia Heath and Rache

Building a Brand
This month, PHS editor Ali Williams talks about the importance of building a brand - especially when you interact with a community in a vari

The Write Life Balance: Balance Your Time
In this month's #TheWriteLifeBalance, Susan Meier talks about finding the time to pursue your passions...

Shanna - Old School Romance
Continuing our series looking at romance novels which have inspired and influenced writers,  Heidi Rice reminisces about classic old school

#TechTalk: iPad Pro & Logi Keyboard
Geri Krotow tells The Pink Heart Society about the one piece of tech that she just cannot live without...

August Editorial: Be Inspired!
This month, PHS Founder and Editor, Trish Wylie, talks about making plans, getting motivated and reaching for the stars, even on the dark da

The PHS Fashion Awards for RWA 2017 - Are You A Winner?
Our roving reporter, Teri Wilson, is hot off the conference dance floor to give us an insider's view of the stunning fashions at RWA 201