#FreshStart - Julian Winters
Julian Winters tells us how being brave and pushing out of your comfort zone, can inspire and propel you forward.

#FreshStart - Vanessa Riley
Vanessa Riley tells us how she uses metrics to plan the year ahead, and urges you to blaze your own path.

Vive la Difference - #MyPerfectRead
Ready to try something new? Ali Williams and Rachel Dove recommend some books you might not know to kick start our reader challenge!

#FreshStart - Em Ali
Em Ali talks about the authors who inspired them to write in 2018, and how they're going to carry that inspiration forward into 2019.

#FreshStart - Aliette de Bodard
Aliette de Bodard shares how she wants to take more risks and allow herself more time off in 2019.

#FreshStart - Rhoda Baxter
Rhoda Baxter talks about writing under her real name for the very first time, and what her plans are as Jeevani Charika going forward...

#FreshStart - Ellie Darkins
Ellie Darkins shares her hopes and goals for 2019 as she steps back into her writing career after maternity leave.

#FreshStart - Adite Banerjie
Adite Banerjie urges us to find balance in our lives for the year ahead, as she talks about her journey to becoming a self-published author.

#FreshStart - LaQuette
LaQuette has advice on how to successfully reach your goals for 2019 through a positive mindset and those all important SMART targets!

#FreshStart - Jasmine Silvera
Jasmine Silvera shares her writing journey to date and how it's influenced her plans for 2019.

#FreshStart - Carolyn Hector
Carolyn Hector talks about her goals for the coming year, and how she utilises everything possible to stay on track.

#FreshStart - Lindsay Evans
Lindsay Evans shares her plans for a new writing routine and the 2018 goals she's carrying forward into 2019.

#FreshStart - Sheryl Lister
Sheryl Lister talks about how her mindset is less focused on setting goals, but rather on resolving how to get them done.

PHS Reader Challenge 2018
Ready to try something new? Ali Williams and Nicole Locke recommend some books you might not know to kick start our reader challenge!