The Art of the Rom Com
As movies like To All The Boys I've Loved Before continue to pop up on Netflix, we turn to experts Rachel Dove, Amy Andrews and Avril Tr

The Write Thing - Opening Act
Avril Tremayne shares with us what to do when your opening act takes you in an unexpected direction!

Aspiring Authors Update
Have you visited our Aspiring Authors Group and Forum yet? Christy Kate McKenzie catches us up on everything that's been happening there

What's Your Perfect Read?
We're talking about our favorite sub-genres at the PHS this month. Â From romantic comedy to the paranormal;Â what's your preference?

The PHS Aspiring Authors Group is on Fire!
Senior Editor, Christy Kate McKenzie, is here to catch you up on all of the exciting happenings over in our PHS Aspiring Authors group this

Short Story Competition!
Think you can write a sexy short story we would like to publish on our website? Senior editor, Christy Kate McKenzie, launches our very firs

Real Life Meet Cute
Does the kind of meet cute we read about in romance novels happen in real life? Avril Tremayne and Mollie Blake tell us how they met their h

The Write Thing: Sex Scenes
Some are so terrible there's even a Bad Sex In Fiction Award. (Never won by a romance author!) Avril Tremayne talks about sex scenes and

Close Up Look @ Mills & Boon Dare
It's finally here! As the much-talked-about new Mills & Boon DARE hits the shelves, Avril Tremayne takes a closer look at the books

Must See Holiday Movies
Tis the season to watch movies with your family! We ask our PHS columnists for their favorite #mustsee Holiday Movie recommendations. Did yo

Travels With Romance: Snow Vs. Sun
Avril Tremayne's extolling the virtues of a vacation in the snow, and Kristina Knight's telling us what's wonderful about vacati

You Think You Know Someone...
Avril Tremayne is sharing some secrets, surprises and fears with us...

#RWAus 2017: Conference Report
Our intrepid editor, Kali Anthony, reports on #RWAus 17 #LoveGoneWild. Did she throw on her party shoes and go wild too? Read on to find out

Location Location Location
We talk about our favourite places to set a romance. whether it's a bustling urban jungle or a tranquil town in the countryside.