Finances & Forecasting: Part Three
Time once again to visit your writing income (or lack thereof) with Christy Kate McKenzie, as she wraps up her three part series on finances

Finances & Forecasting: Part Two
Balancing the books (pun intended!) is something that concerns every author. This month, PHS Editor, Christy Kate McKenzie, continues her fe

#Rebranding: New Year's Resolutions For Your Business
PHS Editor, Christy Kate McKenzie, is back to start you off on the process of making resolutions to improve your writing career…

Finances & Forecasting: Part One
For many authors, finance and forecasting can be terrifying. PHS Editor, Christy Kate McKenzie, talks us through the ins and outs of balanci

Mastering Your Destiny With Erin Cawood
This month, we hear from author, Erin Cawood, about what to expect if you go indie.... So, you’re an aspiring author? That’s fantastic!...

Ready, Set, WRITE!
This month in #ReadySetWrite, Christy Kate McKenzie, helps you with the next step in your business plan-- market analysis...

Ready, Set, WRITE!
PHS Editor Christy Kate McKenzie, helps us with the next step in our business plan: Market analysis.

Ready, Set, WRITE!
How well do you know yourself as a writer? PHS Editor, Christy Kate McKenzie, leads us through the process of writing a brand story.

Ready, Set, WRITE!
PHS editor, Christy Kate McKenzie, takes us away from the craft of writing to explore and develop the business side of your writing...

#10ThingsYouDidntKnowAbout... Christy Kate McKenzie
PHS editor, Christy Kate McKenzie, tells us 10 things you almost definitely didn't know about her!

#TheWriteThing: Writing is a Business Too
Tara Taylor Quinn is highlighting the fact that though writing is a labour of love for many people, in order to be a successful writer, you