Ready, Set, WRITE!
This month in #ReadySetWrite, Christy Kate McKenzie, helps you with the next step in your business plan-- market analysis...

Treats Not Tricks: Stuffed Jack Peppers
Looking for a spooky, tasty treat to feed a house full of monsters this Halloween? Create a spooktacular feast in the form of Stuffed Jack

Ready, Set, WRITE!
PHS Editor Christy Kate McKenzie, helps us with the next step in our business plan: Market analysis.

Ready, Set, WRITE!
How well do you know yourself as a writer? PHS Editor, Christy Kate McKenzie, leads us through the process of writing a brand story.

Ready, Set, WRITE!
PHS editor, Christy Kate McKenzie, takes us away from the craft of writing to explore and develop the business side of your writing...

#10ThingsYouDidntKnowAbout... Christy Kate McKenzie
PHS editor, Christy Kate McKenzie, tells us 10 things you almost definitely didn't know about her!

#ConferenceReport: RNA Summer Party 2017
Two of our editors, Christy Kate McKenzie and Ali Williams, had press passes to this year's RNA Summer Party, and Christy's intent o

#TheWriteThing: Beating the Block
Nina Milne and Trish Wylie are taking on that most vicious of experiences:  Writer's Block!  Read on to find out ways to keep adding to

#TravelsWithRomance: Finding Magic
PHS editor, Christy Kate McKenzie, is talking about finding magic in faraway places...

#TheFashionForwardWriter: It's All About The Shoes
It's all about the shoes in this month's #TheFashionForwardWriter - and Christy Kate McKenzie has oh so very many of them!

#AtTheCliffFace: Musings of a Romance Academic
PHS editor, Ali Williams, is talking about being nervous about her PhD, and how she's building her confidence...

#TechTalk: FitBit
PHS editor, Christy Kate McKenzie, talks about the one piece of tech she couldn't live without...her FitBit!

March Editorial
PHS Founder and Editor, Trish Wylie, is talking about change as we set forth with the first issue of the new look Pink Heart Society...

#TheFashionForwardWriter: Briefcase Encounters
New PHS editor Christy Kate McKenzie is talking about those all important laptop cases and briefcases, and has found something for every bud