Diary Of An Indie Pub
In the latest installment of our frank and honest #IndiePubDiary, editor Brittany Borshell talks about the sadness she felt when she encount

Diary Of An Indie Pub
In the second installment of our frank and honest #IndiePubDiary, editor Brittany Borshell talks about something we can all understand: Dail

The Sweet Spot with M.K. Schiller
In the second edition of our brand new Sweet Spot column, Heidi Cullinan talks to author, M.K. Schiller, about her journey, her writing and

Going Global - A Translator's Perspective
Ever thought about having your books translated into a foreign language to open up a whole new market? Laura Bailo walks us through the proc

The Sweet Spot with Vanessa Riley
In the first edition of our brand new Sweet Spot column, Heidi Cullinan talks to author, Vanessa Riley, about her inspiration, writing and l

Diary Of An Indie Pub
In the first installment of our frank and honest #IndiePubDiary column, Brittany Borshell talks us through the concept and thought process o

#OneWorld - Indigenous Voices
In our first #OneWorld feature celebrating International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples, we meet authors Pamela Sanderson, Alex P

#AskTheEd with Violet Gaze Press
In the latest edition of our #AskTheEd series, Brittany Borshell talks us through what is important to her when acquiring romance novels at

Not Dead Yet
It's never too late to fall in love! Rachel Dove, Ruby Lang and Julie Miller talk about gorgeous grans and second chance romances featur

#AskTheEd—Love Africa Press
We're thrilled to be joined by editors Kiru Taye and Zee Monodee from Love Africa Press, which celebrates all things Africa in romance a

Vive La Difference - The Ripped Bodice
The Ripped Bodice is a sister-run and romance-only bookstore in the US. With a focus on diversity and canny internet presence, sisters Bea a

Industry Insights - Library Love
To tie in with World Library Day, we invited librarians to share their #LibraryLove. Librarians Ana Coqui, Frannie Strober Cassano, Wendy th

#AskTheEd with Kensington Books
Giving you the Industry Insight today is Norma Perez-Hernandez. She is thrilled to be building a list with diverse authors and books.