International Women's Day
In a genre still dominated by women, Carolyn Hector Hall, Rachel Brimble and Farah Mendleson talk about how and why we should strive for inc

We Heart Used Bookstores
Is it hard to pick one book you love best? Have you a smorgasboard of favorites? Sherri Skanes talks about the joy of finding treasured book

Our Romantic Heritage: The Ancestry of Romance
Researching the genre's family tree, Sherri Skanes explores ten historic works of literature that paved the way for modern day romance n

Just Bodice Ripping Porn?
How people describe the romance genre is frequently out of touch. Ali Williams, Aja and Virginia Heath talk about how they reply to these Fa

Reader of the Month
Meet Reader of the Month, Emma Moyle, who talks about her love of historical romance, Gone with the Wind and her latest book reviews.

Happily-Ever-After = Marriage?
In romance novels, we kind of expect the Happily-Ever -After, but does a proposal still stand in modern day society?I asked readers from Fac

You Think You Know Someone...
Robyn Rychards is under the spotlight this month to tell us ten things we almost definitely didn't know...

#TalkingPoint: When Bad Boys Cross The Line
Today on PHS #TalkingPoint are two Medieval Historical authors, Elisabeth Hobbes and Nicole Locke discussing when does a bad boy hero crosse