What's Your Perfect Read?
We're talking about our favorite sub-genres at the PHS this month. Â From romantic comedy to the paranormal;Â what's your preference?

The Write Thing: Sex Scenes
Some are so terrible there's even a Bad Sex In Fiction Award. (Never won by a romance author!) Avril Tremayne talks about sex scenes and

Close Up Look @ Mills & Boon Dare
It's finally here! As the much-talked-about new Mills & Boon DARE hits the shelves, Avril Tremayne takes a closer look at the books

Mills & Boon - The Ultimate Rebrand
As we start 2018, Mills & Boon - the UK branch of Harlequin - is going through a complete rebrand, and we're sharing with you a snea

#Rebranding - The Challenge of Changing Lines
As part of our special PHS Rebranding Edition, Christy McKellen is talking about moving between heat levels in different Harlequin Mills &am

#Rebranding - The 3 'R's of Starting Over
As part of our special PHS Rebranding Edition, A. C. Arthur is talking about starting over after the closure of Harlequin Kimani...

#Rebranding - Staying True to Your Voice
As part of our special PHS Rebranding Edition, Stefanie London is talking about how staying true to your voice should remain a constant in y

#PinkHeartPoll: Â What's Your Favourite Trope?
We're talking about our favorite tropes at the PHS this month.  From marriages of convenience to pregnancy storylines; what's your p

#IndustryInsights: Â Introducing DARE
We're delighted to welcome Flo Nicoll, Mills & Boon Senior Editor, to the PHS, as she talks about the new Mills & Boon imprint: