April Editorial: The Business of Creativity
Aidan Wayne writes our April guest editorial, talking about how to cope with the overwhelming feeling which comes with making your creative

February Editorial: Feel the Love
Reese Ryan writes our February guest editorial, talking about what the musical Rent taught her about the importance of reading outside of he

#AskTheEd with Manifold Press
We have one of Manifold Press' editors, Sandra Lindsey, answering our most pressing questions.

#FreshStart - Julian Winters
Julian Winters tells us how being brave and pushing out of your comfort zone, can inspire and propel you forward.

#FreshStart - Cass Lennox
Cass Lennox shares her 12 point listicle of advice for a fresh start in 2019 and there are some absolute gems on here!

#FreshStart - Olivia Waite
Olivia Waite shares her hopes for a 2019 filled with funny, heartwarming, diverse f/f romance.

Industry Insight: #EditorsChoice
No matter how confident we are in our writing, a glimpse of what the publishers are enjoying is always welcome.

Vive la Difference - #MyPerfectRead
Ready to try something new? Ali Williams and Rachel Dove recommend some books you might not know to kick start our reader challenge!

#FreshStart - Em Ali
Em Ali talks about the authors who inspired them to write in 2018, and how they're going to carry that inspiration forward into 2019.

#FreshStart - Aliette de Bodard
Aliette de Bodard shares how she wants to take more risks and allow herself more time off in 2019.

#FreshStart - Joanna Chambers
Joanna Chambers talks about the happiness principle that is going to govern her writing as she moves forward into 2019.

#FreshStart - George Loveland
George Loveland explains why the number of books you release in a year doesn't reflect all you've learned.

#FreshStart - Ellie Darkins
Ellie Darkins shares her hopes and goals for 2019 as she steps back into her writing career after maternity leave.

#FreshStart - Kayla Bashe
Kayla Bashe shares their wish list for 2019, including better stock photos, more novellas, and less ill-thought-through mpreg.