Exclusive FREE READ
Our exclusive Free Read this month, is an extract from Mollie Blake's An Unconventional Affair.

September Book Reviews
It's September book reviews time! And our #PHSBookReviews team had another corking collection of reads to get through this month!

August Book Reviews
Here they are, our August reviews! And our #PHSBookReviews team had a cornucopia of reads to get through this month!

Fictional Friends
Fictional friends. Or ARE they? Our authors talk secondary characters, how real life can influence the fictional world and confess to sneaki

PHS Giveaways and Free Books!
On a tight budget? Like to sample a new-to-you author's writing before you invest in their series? Then our brand new #FreeBooks feature

First Dates, First Impressions, First Kisses
First dates can be a disaster or the start of something wonderful. Jill Kemerer and Mollie Blake rate a couple of examples from books on a k

Real Life Meet Cute
Does the kind of meet cute we read about in romance novels happen in real life? Avril Tremayne and Mollie Blake tell us how they met their h