#FreshStart - Eilidh K. Lawrence
Eilidh K. Lawrence talks going right back to basics in both her writing and for her self-care in 2019.

Different Strokes: The Princess and the Fallen Commander
In Part Two of the Different Strokes series, Holly March talks about The Fallen Commander and the Princess. Two more archetypes for your ars

Different Strokes. Or ARE they?
Whether we recognize them or not, we all have our favorite archetypes. Holly March talks about two of the best known: Brooding Dukes and the

Our Romantic Heritage: The Ancestry of Romance
Researching the genre's family tree, Sherri Skanes explores ten historic works of literature that paved the way for modern day romance n

Defining Alpha Heroes
Love 'em or hate 'em, we can all agree the alpha male is a huge part of romantic fiction. Holly March defines the difference between

Happily-Ever-After = Marriage?
In romance novels, we kind of expect the Happily-Ever -After, but does a proposal still stand in modern day society?I asked readers from Fac

#ScreenTime: Remaking Love Stories
PHS columnist, Virginia Heath, takes on Hollywood's obsession with remaking classic films...

#ConferenceReport: PCA 2017
We're delighted to have Dr Amy Burge delivering our very first #ConferenceReport as she feeds back from the PCA | ACA 2017 Conference...

#10ThingsYouDidntKnowAbout Virginia Heath
PHS columnist, Virginia Heath, reveals ten unique things you almost definitely, quite possibly, maybe forgot and/or didn't know about he

#OurRomanticHeritage: The Fair Jilt
The PHS's new monthly column, #OurRomanticHeritage, takes a look at romance novels that have inspired and influenced writers today. Â PHS