Mills & Boon - The Ultimate Rebrand
As we start 2018, Mills & Boon - the UK branch of Harlequin - is going through a complete rebrand, and we're sharing with you a snea

#Rebranding: New Year's Resolutions For Your Business
PHS Editor, Christy Kate McKenzie, is back to start you off on the process of making resolutions to improve your writing career…

#Rebranding - Explore Other Avenues
As part of our special PHS Rebranding Edition, Lindsay Evans is talking about switching it up and starting afresh once more following the cl

#Rebranding - From One Name to Another
As part of our special PHS Rebranding Edition, Alex(is) Beecroft is talking about creating a new writerly alter ego as part of a rebrand...

#Rebranding - The Brand That Binds
As part of our special PHS Rebranding Edition, Zuri Day is talking about honing your author voice as a way of maintaining your brand...

#Rebranding - Black Love Matters
As part of our special PHS Rebranding Edition, Cheris Hodges is talking about making space for black love on your bookshelves.

#Rebranding - Evolving Over Time
As part of our special PHS Rebranding Edition, Kate Walker is talking about the importance of constantly evolving as a writer...

#Rebranding - Taking A New Step
As part of our special PHS Rebranding Edition, Jane Godman is talking about the gap that Harlequin Nocturne is going to leave...

#Rebranding - Let's Talk About Rebranding After Kimani
As part of our special PHS Rebranding Edition, Carolyn Hector is talking about branching out and rebranding after the closure of Harlequin K

#Rebranding - The Challenge of Changing Lines
As part of our special PHS Rebranding Edition, Christy McKellen is talking about moving between heat levels in different Harlequin Mills &am

#Rebranding - Bittersweet Change
As part of our special PHS Rebranding Edition, Angel Smits is talking about bittersweet endings and starting out for new beginnings...

#Rebranding - The 3 'R's of Starting Over
As part of our special PHS Rebranding Edition, A. C. Arthur is talking about starting over after the closure of Harlequin Kimani...

#Rebranding - Staying True to Your Voice
As part of our special PHS Rebranding Edition, Stefanie London is talking about how staying true to your voice should remain a constant in y

#Rebranding - Genre-Jumping and Series Revamping
As part of our special PHS Rebranding Edition, Jenna Kernan is talking about moving between genres and revamping past series...