#FreshStart - Adite Banerjie
Adite Banerjie urges us to find balance in our lives for the year ahead, as she talks about her journey to becoming a self-published author.

#FreshStart - Sheryl Lister
Sheryl Lister talks about how her mindset is less focused on setting goals, but rather on resolving how to get them done.

Opening New Doors
Ever considered being a hybrid author? Rachel Dove tells us how not limiting yourself to one label opens up more opportunities.

RWA Conference Trip Tips
The RWa's annual conference hits Denver, Colorado this month, and Jill Kemerer is here to share some of her top #ConTripTips

Going Indie
For some it can be a difficult decision. For others it makes perfect sense. We take a look at two different #IndieAuthor perspectives of inc

United By Love
How does the human condition unite us? Can a character's emotional journey become a social equalizer? Adite Banerjie and Geri Krotow sha

Ready, Set, WRITE!
This month in #ReadySetWrite, Christy Kate McKenzie, helps you with the next step in your business plan-- market analysis...

Ready, Set, WRITE!
PHS Editor Christy Kate McKenzie, helps us with the next step in our business plan: Market analysis.