Free SHORT STORY! from Susan Meier
We are SUPER EXCITED to bring you a FREE SHORT STORY from Susan Meier, set in the same world as her Christmas book Cinderella's Billion-

How often do you tell your family and friends how much they mean to you? Susan Meier talks about Barbara Bush's legacy and how it made h

Embrace Life
In this busy world we live in, it's all too easy to overlook the beauty that surrounds us. Susan Meier talks about the important lessons

The Write Life Balance: The Power Of Someday
Susan Meier is back to talk about the things you want or need to do that take longer than ten minutes in #TheWriteLifeBalance...

The Write Life Balance: Ten Minute Tools
This month, Susan Meier gives us examples of tools to help you master your ten minutes in #TheWriteLifeBalance... Oprah is given credit...

The Write Life Balance: Take 10
This month, Susan Meier returns with ways to Take 10 and get things done in #TheWriteLifeBalance..

The Write Life Balance: Ten Minutes
Check out Susan Meier's simple solution to time management in this month's #TheWriteLifeBalance...

The Write Life Balance: Balance Your Time
In this month's #TheWriteLifeBalance, Susan Meier talks about finding the time to pursue your passions...

The Write Life Balance: Prioritizing
This month, in #TheWriteLifeBalance, Susan Meier talks about finding balance between things you want to do and things you have to do...

#TheWriteLifeBalance: Sometimes Who We Are Isn't In Fashion
Susan Meier's continuing her #TheWriteLifeBalance column with a look at fitting in versus being the true you...

#TheWriteLifeBalance: On Gloria Steinem’s Hair and Loving Who You Are
Susan Meier's continuing her #TheWriteLifeBalance column with a look at how to love who you really are...

#TheWriteLifeBalance: Who Are You?
Susan Meier's continuing her #TheWriteLifeBalance column with a look at how to work out who you really are...

#TheWriteLifeBalance: Figuring Out Who We Are
New PHS columnist, Susan Meier, is starting a new column about how to balance the time constraints of being an author, with having a life ou