Girl Power
In the month marking International Day Of The Girl, we discuss how romance heroines have changed with the times, inspiring courage and stren

Family Ties
It can provide strength and comfort. Sometimes it's more hindrance than help! We ask Tara Taylor Quinn and Robyn Rychards how they appro

The Feel Good Factor
Desperately in need of something to distract you from all the stupidity in the world? Carolyn Hector, Sasha Green, Aleksandr Voinov and Tara

Emotional Depth
Rachel Dove, Tara Taylor Quinn and Aja share with us how they create that emotional depth that makes romances so darn satisfying!

January Editorial: New Beginning
Tara Taylor Quinn writes our first guest editorial of the year, talking about finding joy in the changes and new beginnings that might other

Digging Deep
How much of their own personal experiences and feelings should an author share in their stories? If they do share something personal, as a r

What's Your Perfect Read?
We're talking about our favorite sub-genres at the PHS this month. Â From romantic comedy to the paranormal;Â what's your preference?

Meeting Deadlines
Deadlines are a thing of nightmares!  Luckily, we've PHS columnist, Tara Taylor-Quinn, on hand to share some times and teach us how to e

Deadline Food: Bring On The Bowls!
We  all have times when we're too busy to cook, too tired to care what's on our plate and fall back on takeaway food to feed our fam

#TheRomanceAcademy: Author Empowerment
Tara Taylor Quinn is with us for #TheRomanceAcademy to talk about the empowerment which comes with finding your voice... both on the page a

#TalkingPoint: Are There Any Taboos Left in Romance?
PHS columnist, Tara Taylor Quinn discusses whether there are any topics that romance simply can't discuss...

#GiveawayTime: Â Tara Taylor Quinn
It's #GiveawayTime at the PHS! This month we have a very special giveaway from Tara Taylor Quinn...

#TheWriteThing: Writing is a Business Too
Tara Taylor Quinn is highlighting the fact that though writing is a labour of love for many people, in order to be a successful writer, you

#AtTheCliffFace: Musings of a Romance Academic
PHS editor, Ali Williams, is talking about being nervous about her PhD, and how she's building her confidence...