Bat Love
In this month's #ComicBookLove, PHS Editor Corrina Lawson studies the many loves (and lost loves) of the superhero who has so often been

July Editorial: It's Not Easy
Brand new PHS editor Corrina Lawson makes her official debut with our editorial this month, reflecting on the subject of seeking, finding an

Free Comic Book Day Favorites
Free Comic Book Day is upon us! Keith, Maya, and The Happy Sorceress share some of the personal favorites they would recommend to readers.

Dear Santa, More Comic Love Please?
We hope Santa is listening. The Happy Sorceress asks Santa for more Comic Book Love.

Monster(ous) Love
Some romantic relationships can be a monsterous disaster. Some literally involve monsters. Keith Bowden examines some of the worst romantic

Romance in Comics! Girl Power Style
Author Corrina Lawson gives us a breakdown of the Romance in Geekland panel she held with PHS editor Maya Kesh and Author of the young adult

The PHS Fashion Awards for RWA 2017 - Are You A Winner?
Our roving reporter, Teri Wilson, is hot off the conference dance floor to give us an insider's view of the stunning fashions at RWA 201

Are You Less Of A Man If Your Woman Can Bench-Press A Building?
PHS editor  Maya Kesh  explores the relationship between Wonder Woman and Steve Trevor and how it challenges the traditional gender norms in

#RomanceInOtherGenres: Comic Book Love
Comic Book Romances. How have they evolved over time? Is there more diversity now? Brand shiny new PHS Editor Maya Kesh tells us everything