Family Ties
It can provide strength and comfort. Sometimes it's more hindrance than help! We ask Tara Taylor Quinn and Robyn Rychards how they appro

Love In The Legion
If you're a superhero in search of love, there's one place you can improve the odds of a HEA. Kara_Querl breaks down her top romance

Dear Younger Me...
In a letter-style introspective, author Carolyn Hector Hall gives her younger self some sage advice about life and love...

Celebrating Best Friends
We all have that go-to someone or people in our life. Our authors out some of their best friends and we invite YOU to do the same with YOURS

Keeping the Love Alive
Who loves a wedding? We do! But what happens in the years after the confetti is swept away? Our authors talk about what keeps the love alive

The PHS Poll: Some Like It Hot!
When it comes to romance novels there's a wide range of heat levels. Our authors tell us why Some Like It Hot and others prefer the bedr

How To Keep the Love Alive
How difficult is it to keep the love alive in a relationship? Liz Flaherty tells us it's all about focusing on cherished moments.

#TheWriteThing: Writing is a Business Too
Tara Taylor Quinn is highlighting the fact that though writing is a labour of love for many people, in order to be a successful writer, you