#FreshStart - George Loveland
George Loveland explains why the number of books you release in a year doesn't reflect all you've learned.

#FreshStart - Adite Banerjie
Adite Banerjie urges us to find balance in our lives for the year ahead, as she talks about her journey to becoming a self-published author.

#FreshStart - LaQuette
LaQuette has advice on how to successfully reach your goals for 2019 through a positive mindset and those all important SMART targets!

#FreshStart - Jasmine Silvera
Jasmine Silvera shares her writing journey to date and how it's influenced her plans for 2019.

#FreshStart - Kayla Bashe
Kayla Bashe shares their wish list for 2019, including better stock photos, more novellas, and less ill-thought-through mpreg.

#FreshStart - Lindsay Evans
Lindsay Evans shares her plans for a new writing routine and the 2018 goals she's carrying forward into 2019.

#FreshStart - Sheryl Lister
Sheryl Lister talks about how her mindset is less focused on setting goals, but rather on resolving how to get them done.

Diverse Holidays
Remember Winterval? Holly March discusses diverse Christmas celebrations, understanding others, and about how her family celebrates Midwinte

Equality and Power: Is There An Imbalance in Romance?
Power play vs equality can be a difficult balancing act in a romance novel post the #MeToo era. KJ Charles and Adite Banerjie share their

Romancing The Black Panther
Have you seen the box office record breaking Black Panther yet? Piper Huguley has and shares her thoughts on the romantic relationship betw

#Rebranding - Explore Other Avenues
As part of our special PHS Rebranding Edition, Lindsay Evans is talking about switching it up and starting afresh once more following the cl

#Rebranding - From One Name to Another
As part of our special PHS Rebranding Edition, Alex(is) Beecroft is talking about creating a new writerly alter ego as part of a rebrand...

#Rebranding - The Brand That Binds
As part of our special PHS Rebranding Edition, Zuri Day is talking about honing your author voice as a way of maintaining your brand...

#Rebranding - Black Love Matters
As part of our special PHS Rebranding Edition, Cheris Hodges is talking about making space for black love on your bookshelves.