Reader of the Month

It's time to meet the lovely Helen Sibbritt, who as our Reader Of The Month, talks about her favorite authors and her love of the Cinderella trope.

Where in the world are you?
I live in Bossley Park, a suburb of the beautiful city of Sydney, Australia.
Do you have a day job and what do you do?
These days I'm retired, caring for my husband of forty years and two of my grandchildren which keeps me busy enough!

How long have you been reading romance?
Many, many years. Well over 30 now. My Mum and I have always read romance novels.
What is your favorite theme?
I read across almost all of the genres although I am not a big lover of sci-fi /fantasy. I enjoy all kinds of themes, but I think one of my favorites is the Cinderella trope.
What kind of story would you like to see written?
I am not sure. There are so many out there that it would be hard for me pick one!

How many books do you read in a week/month/year?
Probably average about fifteen a month. I've read 186 so far this year. Last year I read 208 books.
Which author/s books are an auto buy for you?
There are many authors I love, but the ones who come to mind are: Anna Campbell, Christine Wells, Annie West, Anne Gracie, Michelle Douglas, Barbara Hannay, Stefanie London, Kandy Shepherd, Amy Andrews... I really could keep going. You might be guessing that my TBR pile is massive, and you'd be right, because I never have enough hours in the day to catch up on them all.

If your home was on fire which book would you save?
My signed copy of Anne Gracie’s regency romance, A Perfect Rake which is a fabulous story about a fake engagement which goes delightfully awry. It's such fun, although maybe I should get a special box ready because I really have a lot more books that I'd love to save if my house was going up in flames!
What is the book you’d hands down recommend to our readers?
The first story that comes to mind is a medieval romance published in 1976, The Wolf and the Dove, by Kathleen Woodiwiss. Though again, yes, there are lots more!
And what are you reading now?
If you'd like to learn more about Helen, and what other books she might like to save from a fire, you can find her on Facebook or Twitter!
Know someone you think would make a fabulous Reader Of The Month? Nominate them in the comments, email us or let us know on Social Media!