The Power of Pruning
Does overall busyness interfere with your creativity? Whilst enjoying RWAus19, Kali Anthony wondered whether taking a pair of secateurs to y

The Art of the Rom Com
As movies like To All The Boys I've Loved Before continue to pop up on Netflix, we turn to experts Rachel Dove, Amy Andrews and Avril Tr

Need a rom-com to steal your heart as we move into the summer months? Managing Editor Ali Williams pitches some of her favorites at your tee

#FreshStart - Amy Andrews
Amy Andrews talks about the reasons she's super excited for all that 2019 will bring.

#RecommendedReads: Snowed In
Need a snowed in romance? We're sharing some of our favourites with you!

RWAus Conference Report 2018
The Romance Writers of Australia conference has been and gone, but memories remain. PHS Editor, Kali Anthony gives us a wrap of the main the

Who Would You Like To Be Snowed In With This Christmas?
Who would you like to be trapped with this Christmas? Our authors tell us why the Snowed In Romance is so perfect and you can vote for your

Reader of the Month
It's time to meet the lovely Helen Sibbritt, who as our Reader Of The Month, talks about her favorite authors and her love of the Cinder

#PinkHeartPoll: Â What's Your Favourite Hero's Profession?
We're talking about the jobs we think all heroes should have at the PHS this month. Tinker, tailor, soldier, spy - what's your prefe

#HunkOfTheMonth: Firemen
We're delighted to welcome Amy Andrews to the PHS, as she talks to us about her #HunkOfTheMonth: firemen. PLUS she has a giveaway for on

#ReaderOfTheMonth: Fiona Marsden
We're delighted to welcome our first #ReaderOfTheMonth to the PHS: Â Fiona Marsden!