What We Love - Yoga

January is a month for new goals, resolutions and fresh starts so it seems like the perfect time for Teri Wilson to tell us why she loves yoga!

Yoga is great for your body, your mind and your general sense of wellness. It can be especially beneficial for writers, which is why we love it so much!
Even if you’ve never taken a yoga class in your life, you can benefit from working it into your routine. Here are a few reasons to give it a try:
Yoga is a great way to relieve stiffness

As writers, we generally sit still a lot. While this might be great for your word count, it’s not so great for your body. I know when I’ve been working for a long time and I get up…probably to get more coffee…I sometimes feel like I’m 100 years old as I hobble toward the kitchen.
Sitting still for long periods will make you stiff, and yoga is fantastic for loosening you up! If you’ve never tried yoga and just the thought of it intimidates you, you can start with a “gentle” yoga class. The more your practice, the easier it becomes, which leads us to the next point…
Yoga will train you to see the benefits of discipline

Yeah…the D word. Discipline. We all struggle with it. Sometimes it’s just easier to binge-watch The Crown on Netflix than it is to work on your manuscript. But then you end up behind and have to write a million words a day to catch up. It feels like a million, anyway.
Yoga will teach you discipline because you’ll see how you grow and get better at it with regular practice. Like writing, regular commitment will yield the best results. We can all use that reminder from time to time.
Yoga sparks creativity
Yoga is about the mind every bit as much as the body. A large part of the practice is clearing your head of the unnecessary noise that can get in the way of creating art. You will leave class mentally refreshed and more connected with your creative self.
Yoga reduces stress

I can’t emphasize this enough. I always (ALWAYS!) leave yoga class feeling like a completely different person that when I went in.
I like to compare it to wringing out a dishcloth. After practice, all the tension has left my body, and in turn, my mind. Studies have also shown that yoga helps reduce anxiety and depression as well. Bonus—you’ll sleep better at night, too.
Who wants to lie awake obsessing over their manuscript? That won’t get your book written. You’ll be too tired when you get up in the morning to be your most productive self.
Yoga is great for specific physical ailments that plague writers
At the end of every book I write, my neck and upper back are usually killing me from the deadline push. Yoga is great for these target areas, as well as carpal tunnel syndrome.
Are you ready to give it a try? Anyone can do yoga. You don’t need any special equipment or even a gym membership. There are lots of free videos on the web to get you started. Check out Yoga for Writers on YouTube!
Teri Wilson's latest release, Royally Wed, is out now. For more information check out her website and follow her on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Have you ever tried yoga? Does it help with focus and your writing? Let us know here or on PHS social medial using the hashtag #whatwelove.