PHS Aspiring Authors January Updates!

Welcome to a New Year of The Pink Heart Society Aspiring Authors Group! Christy Kate McKenzie, PHS Senior Editor, will help you kick off 2019 right...

Welcome to 2019! We made it!
Last year was quite an eventful one here in the PHS Aspiring Authors Group—not only was the group created, but membership grew quickly and we were able to host some pretty incredible workshops on our Forum. I have to admit that’s going to be hard to top, but the Aspiring Authors' Editorial Team is going to have a lot of fun trying!
So, what do we have in store for 2019? Keep reading to find out…
What’s New?
New for 2019! Every second Monday of the month we will have a different published author taking over our AA Facebook Group! Our Takeover Authors will be hanging out for the day in our Facebook Group to answer your questions, chat about writing, and share some insider knowledge! Don’t miss our first Takeover Author, Heidi Rice, on January 14th!
Workshops in the PHS Aspiring Authors Forum will resume in February with a fantastic introductory workshop from Heidi Rice. Until then, we have taken a break on workshops this month, but that doesn’t mean we are giving you the month off—we have a little challenge for you…

Keep your writing resolutions… And smash that word count!
Did you make any New Year’s resolutions about increasing your word count in 2019? If you did, we are going to help you make it happen. If not, you might want to set yourself a challenge today!
As you know, I am a business development specialist. As such, I have studied business growth and goals extensively. Let me share some of the valuable information I have learned with you...
According to Business Insider, 80 percent of resolutions are abandoned before February, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be a part of the other 20 percent. There are a few things you can do to increase your chances of being successful.
1. Write it down
Neuroscience has proven that writing down your goal, in this case your word count goal, means you are more likely to achieve it. It may seem strange but writing down your goal can make it more real to your subconscious.
2. Tell someone
Telling someone you trust about your goal will help you meet that goal by keeping you accountable. Tell a friend what you want to accomplish—for example how many words you want to write each day—and allow them to give you a good kick up the backside if you don’t follow through.
3. Keep track
Find a way to record your progress as you work toward your goal. It’s both satisfying and motivating to watch your word count grow.
4. Check in daily
Even if you don’t get a chance to write each day, still check in and record your progress as zero for the day. Seeing how the numbers add up—or seeing a long line of zeroes—will spur you on to write more each day.

If you are a member of the PHS Aspiring Authors Facebook Group (and if not, what are you waiting for?), you may have seen the announcement about our PHS AA 20% Challenge. You might have even joined the Challenge already. If you haven’t, let me formally invite you to reach your word count goals with us as part of the PHS AA 20% Challenge!
In the PHS Aspiring Authors Group announcements is a post containing the link to a Google Doc created to track of your word count goal and progress. To participate, click the link given in the Facebook group and add your name and word count goal (#1 in the tips above). Reply to the post in the Facebook group to let everyone know you have decided to take the 20% Challenge (tip #2). Then visit the document daily to add each day’s word count and watch your total rise (Tips 3 & 4).
Your goal is the number of words you would like to write in January and February. Keep up with the challenge through the end of January and into February and you are in the 20%! The spreadsheet starts at January 1st, when the PHS AA 20% Challenge officially started. If you made your word count goal as a New Year’s Resolution and started on the first, head over to the spreadsheet and add your word counts from the first!
Are you ready to increase your word count and be a part of the 20 percent of people who make it to February? Head over to our PHS AA Facebook Group now to sign up for the PHS AA 20% Challenge!
Christy is an aspiring author, fairy tale fanatic, peanut butter connoisseur, and wannabe mermaid. For more information about her and her writing, check out her website and follow her on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram.
Have you been enjoying our workshops? Share with your friends and followers online and by word of mouth. Keep up with our new hashtags like the ones above and meet other aspiring authors, all in the same boat with you.
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