January Editorial: New Beginning
Tara Taylor Quinn writes our first guest editorial of the year, talking about finding joy in the changes and new beginnings that might other

#FreshStart - Julian Winters
Julian Winters tells us how being brave and pushing out of your comfort zone, can inspire and propel you forward.

#FreshStart - Cass Lennox
Cass Lennox shares her 12 point listicle of advice for a fresh start in 2019 and there are some absolute gems on here!

#FreshStart - Vanessa Riley
Vanessa Riley tells us how she uses metrics to plan the year ahead, and urges you to blaze your own path.

#FreshStart - Olivia Waite
Olivia Waite shares her hopes for a 2019 filled with funny, heartwarming, diverse f/f romance.

#FreshStart - Jane Godman
Jane Godman tells us about the hardest year of her life and how 2019 will, for her, involve digging deep for positivity.

#FreshStart - Michelle Douglas
Michelle Douglas outlines her writing focus for 2019: ditching the hyper-masculine romance novel hero in favour of a more modern interpretat

Industry Insight: #EditorsChoice
No matter how confident we are in our writing, a glimpse of what the publishers are enjoying is always welcome.

The Song of the Introvert
Calling all #IntrovertAuthors! Aleksandr Voinov shares the way he copes with large bookish events as an introvert.

Vive la Difference - #MyPerfectRead
Ready to try something new? Ali Williams and Rachel Dove recommend some books you might not know to kick start our reader challenge!

January Book Reviews
It's January book reviews time! And our #PHSBookReviews team had another great collection of reads for us to kick off the New Year in tr

The Write Thing - Opening Act
Avril Tremayne shares with us what to do when your opening act takes you in an unexpected direction!

Exclusive FREE READ
Our exclusive Free Read this month, is an extract from Mollie Blake's An Unconventional Affair.

PHS Aspiring Authors January Updates!
Welcome to a New Year of The Pink Heart Society Aspiring Authors Group! Christy Kate McKenzie, PHS Senior Editor, will help you kick off 201