July Editorial

This month, PHS Founder and Editor, Trish Wylie, talks about the value of a good support network and has some exciting PHS news to share!

We all need a support network. Whether it’s in the form of a partner, family, friends or work colleagues, having people around who ‘get us’ and want us to succeed can make a huge difference, particularly when we’re under pressure.
Take the PHS for example. Organizing and running this site takes a lot of time and effort and without like-minded editors who can work as a team and writers who are equally passionate about what we do, it would be impossible to sustain. One of the best things about being part of the PHS (and something I dreamed of when it was a tiny spark of an idea at the back of my mind), is how much I learn from my fellow editors, authors and readers. People approach things different ways and have different experiences. Whether listening to (or reading) what they say, we can gain insight and knowledge and may find ourselves just as inspired as we would be after attending a conference.

The real test, is how we implement what we learn into our lives and use the additional strength and courage we get from knowing our peeps have got our back.
This month, while reading fantastic articles about empowerment, what classifies a hero as a bad boy, and the lessons learned from working with a copy editor (seriously, who knew?!), I was once again struck by the quality of our content. I’m not saying that to be smug or to blow the PHS horn or because I had anything to do with those inspiring words. I’m saying it because I firmly believe it to be true. The folks who write for us rock, and it’s both an honor and a privilege to be able to showcase their talent. and discovering how you can edit a manuscript on your

To do so, the PHS needs a stalwart editorial team who have each other’s backs. And to be frank, the workload frequently gets on top of us. It’s been a problem from the start and is one we’re still working on so we can continue to bring you all this glorious content each month. It takes strength to admit you need help. And trust to discuss it.
So, after a tough couple of months, we talked about the problem frankly and openly, put our heads together and decided the best way forward was to expand our support network.

As a result, we are thrilled to welcome Maya Kesh, Robyn Rychards and Kali Anthony to our editorial team! With their help and support, we hope to continue producing the PHS magazine for a very long time. So, if you haven’t done so already, check out Maya’s article on love stories in Comic Books, enter the competition to win a copy of Robyn’s book and check out Kali’s answers to our Reader of the Month questionnaire.
Welcome to the gang, guys! We’re so very glad you’re here.