Conference Buddies
Are you headed to a romance writing conference this summer? Heidi Rice and Carolyn Hector reveal how they met their conference buddies.

Celebrating Best Friends
We all have that go-to someone or people in our life. Our authors out some of their best friends and we invite YOU to do the same with YOURS

July Editorial
This month, PHS Founder and Editor, Trish Wylie, talks about the value of a good support network and has some exciting PHS news to share!

#AtTheCliffFace: Musings of a Romance Academic
PHS editor, Ali Williams, is talking about being nervous about her PhD, and how she's building her confidence...

#TheWriteLifeBalance: Figuring Out Who We Are
New PHS columnist, Susan Meier, is starting a new column about how to balance the time constraints of being an author, with having a life ou