June Editorial

PHS Founder and Editor, Trish Wylie, is talking about the most exciting time of year...Conference Season!!
Writing can be a lonely job. We may have dozens of imaginary people to keep us company, but for a good portion of the year, it’s just us and our keyboards. June, however, is the time of year when this solitary creature emerges from the writing cave, blinking into the light. We start thinking about spending time with real, live people. Folks who get us.
Yes, conference season is coming!
Of course, if you’ve emerged from the cave looking like Robinson Crusoe, things like a crash diet, haircut and make-over may cause a bit of a panic. There’s also the small matter of what to wear, particularly if you’re attending an awards ceremony. We at the PHS can help with the latter this month as we look at some of the best red carpet wear for inspiration. We also have a report from the RNA summer party so you can hear about the UK RNA news, as well as preview the workshops available at next month’s RWA conference in Orlando, Florida.
Not going to any of the conferences, then fear not! We have plenty for you to work on here both this month and next. This month we bring you beat the block tips, a discussion about writing different religious romance protagonists, and an introduction to the pros of coaching.
You see that’s this thing about our tribe. Whether you can afford to travel to the yearly conferences or it is simply something you aspire to in the future, if you’ve made up your mind to write, there is nothing to stop you educating yourself on the subject online. We’re sharers and talkers and love nothing more than a good chin wag about our work and what we read. So, don’t be shy!
For those making it to conferences this year, enjoy! There’s a lot of empowerment to be soaked up at these events. And if you’d like to share your experiences with us, please do! We have a brand new guidelines page for anyone who would like to submit a piece to us. And you can contact us anytime! Happy summer reading and writing to everyone in the Northern hemisphere and to those in the southern, happy cosy reading and writing evenings!