June Editorial
PHS Founder and Editor, Trish Wylie, is talking about the most exciting time of year...Conference Season!!

#ConferenceReport: RNA Summer Party 2017
Two of our editors, Christy Kate McKenzie and Ali Williams, had press passes to this year's RNA Summer Party, and Christy's intent o

#IndustryInsights: Â RWA Workshops Preview
We're delighted to welcome Shirley Jump, PAN Advisor and Workshop Committee member, and Donna Alward, PAN Steering Committee Chair, as t

#ViveLaDifference: Â Religion and Romance
This month the Pink Heart Society is welcoming authors from all kinds of backgrounds as they talk about writing romances with religious prot

#PinkHeartPoll: Â What's Your Favourite Trope?
We're talking about our favorite tropes at the PHS this month.  From marriages of convenience to pregnancy storylines; what's your p

#HunkOfTheMonth: Firemen
We're delighted to welcome Amy Andrews to the PHS, as she talks to us about her #HunkOfTheMonth: firemen. PLUS she has a giveaway for on

#TheWriteThing: Beating the Block
Nina Milne and Trish Wylie are taking on that most vicious of experiences:  Writer's Block!  Read on to find out ways to keep adding to

#TalkingPoint: Are There Any Taboos Left in Romance?
PHS columnist, Tara Taylor Quinn discusses whether there are any topics that romance simply can't discuss...

#RomanceInOtherGenres: Â Fantasy
We're delighted to welcome novelist, Sue Tingey, to the Pink Heart Society as she talks about seeing her fantasy novels in a new light..

#OurRomanticHeritage: The Sword and the Shadow
The PHS's new monthly column, #OurRomanticHeritage, takes a look at romance novels that have inspired and influenced writers today. Â Rob

#WriterlyAdvice: Coaching with Donna Alward
So Donna Alward's talking all about the importance of having support, and how she discovered her love for coaching!

#TheFashionForwardWriter: Frocks for the RITA Red Carpet
Jennifer Rae is swooning over the fabulous frocks that have been making it out and about, to provide you with some inspiration for the RITA

#GiveawayTime: Â Tara Taylor Quinn
It's #GiveawayTime at the PHS! This month we have a very special giveaway from Tara Taylor Quinn...

#TheWriteLifeBalance: On Gloria Steinem’s Hair and Loving Who You Are
Susan Meier's continuing her #TheWriteLifeBalance column with a look at how to love who you really are...